It's no secret that I've been having a rough time lately. Yesterday was by far the worst day I've had in a longtime. But today, I woke up and saw this beautiful picture that my Coach Sj Nieusma posted for me on Facebook. It got me thinking... This is the very thing that I have done through all of my illnesses and injuries in the past 3 years... Simply start doing what is necessary and what I am able to do. Do what is possible to do at the moment. And then suddenly, I find myself doing more then I thought I could. Today, I got out of bed, and started doing what it necessary.

Soon after I started doing the necessary things, I found myself doing more then I thought I could. I fixed and ate a clean breakfast, and actually had energy left over to clean up my mess! I decided that is was possible for me to finally get some laundry done. So I did it. And while I was doing it, I got some much needed food prep done. I also made dinner! All I needed to do was throw it in the oven at 5 p.m. I did not work out in my gym today, but I did sweep the entire house (tile floors throughout most of the house), vacume all of the rugs, mopped the tile floors, and dusted and waxed the wood floors. I even cleaned my bathroom!

Although it's Easter tomorrow, I did not make any Easter baskets this year. I did not bake any clean cookies, due to my fragile emotional state right now... why tempt myself? Just because I know how to make clean cookies does not mean that I need to be around them right now. I kept it clean today, and I plan on keeping it clean tomorrow, as well. As a matter of fact, I'm having my fabulous Heavenly Tropical Oatmeal for my Easter breakfast tomorrow, with some hard boiled eggs for protein on the side. And ice water with an orange right off of my orange tree! Follow me over on Facebook at "The Faithful Pantry" if you are a fan of Jesus and scripture... combined with clean and healthy foods, recipes, fitness tips, and more! Please, come and "Like" my FB page, and you can get immediate access to my Easter Heavenly Tropical Oatmeal, too! You can find my page at the following link:

I think today was deffinately a lot better then yesterday for me. I feel like I accomplished a few things, and it felt good to get out of bed. I still have many of the things on my mind from my blog post yesterday, but I am feeling at peace with it today. I just want to thank my Sister and Trainer, Sj, for always being here for me. You always know just how to get me motivated. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for always encouraging me. Love ya, my RockPirate! XOXOXO
The Kaptain
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