Monday, March 25th, 2013
How many times have you started something new~ a diet, a fitness regimine, a project, a goal, a promise to your self or someone else, only to quit before you reached your goal due to illness? I confess: I used to be one of those people.

But not any more. Not for the past couple of years. Not since I found The Eat-Clean Diet and support from their website, along with Overeaters Anonymous. I have learned that illness is temporary; therefor, so is taking a break. Leaving my ambition behind due to laziness from having a long, drawn-out cold or flu is not an option for me anymore. It's so easy to create excuses within ourselves: "I have been sick for too long, I lost my motivation to continue weight training." Or, "I have been sick, and I fell off the wagon of eating clean and fitness." Excuses are NOT an option.

Okay, so you "fell off the wagon." Get up, and get back on it. Don't try to make up for lost time, and don't try to "start all over" again. Tomorrow is a brand new day, a beautiful gift from God. Simply wake up, dust your self off, and CONTINUE where you left off. That's it. No looking back, only move forward. Do not beat your self up! Illness is a part of life! It's temporary, and it will pass. Don't let a temporary illness discourage you. However, it is important to take the proper time to recover from your illness. Otherwise, you will not recover so quickly!
Yes, I am a Nurse... but I am a horrible patient! I do not like to stay in bed, or rest, or sit still. I like to be doing things, reading things, planning things, and making things... so yes, it's hard for me to be a patient. I pitty the fool who has me as their patient. ;) That being said, I've had to learn the hard way what lack of patience brings to the table when I should have been patiently resting and following doctors orders.

Due to my lack of respect for patience, I have turned minor colds into major illnesses. I have turned the flu into pneumonia, and bronchitis. I have started exercising with injuries long before obtaining a doctor's permission to do so, further aggravating my injury. I have suffered through immense pain, because I refuse to take pain killers or antibiotics.

I hope you are not as hard-headed as I am. I am my own worse nightmare of a patient. But I'll let you in a little secret... I have learned how to be patient with my body. I have learned how to take care of my body the RIGHT way, not the way that I so stubbornly want to. I have my own personal healer. His name is Jesus. I take the time to pray, day and night, for a speedy and full recovery. I take time to thank God through Jesus for all that He provides me with, and all that He does for me. I have Faith that Jesus is my Healer, and that this, too, shall pass.
And, it always does. Thank you, Jesus, for opening my eyes. To You, I am eternally grateful <3
~The Kap
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