Thursday, January 31, 2013

January is Over! My Stats

Can you believe that January is over already?  Valentine's Day is among us, yet it feels like I just decorated for Christmas!  January was a very trying and stressful month for me.  Yet, I stayed the course, and here I am... down five pounds, and still smiling.

No, I did not hit my target goal of losing 2 pounds per week.  But that is okay!  It's just a goal that I created for myself, and it's ulitmately just a number.  Numbers do NOT define me.  After all of the stress that I encountered through the past month, I'm surprised I was still able to Warrior it out, and stay on task with my eating clean and training. I am proud of myself for that!

Today I woke up with a swollen and painful right knee.  That is the same knee that I injured twice last year.  But I consulted my trainer, Sj, and she recommended what I had already done: ice and elevation. We are always on the same page, even before we talk... I love that about her! Thank you, Sis! I think I know what happened to make my knee swell up, so I am pretty confident that it will heal and be back to normal soon.  I will stay off of it for now, but will continue to work my upper body and abs.

This past month, I have worked my tail off.  I have worked through illness and injury.  I recovered so much quicker from a simple cold this year then I did last year.  I know it's because I have been pumping myself with extra vitamins, dark greens, and some awesome Matcha Tea Trim that my trainer Sj Nieusma sent me.  She recommends drinking it twice daily. My fav way to drink it is hot, with a few slivers of fresh ginger, and also blended in a vanilla berry whey protein smoothie. 

I have noticed an increase in my energy since I started consuming the matcha.  Here is the link to Tea Trim, if you are interested. I highly recommend it.  You can also purchase Sj's all natural organic Lip Balm there with the tea... I absolutely love it, and I wear it all day, every day, and when I go to bed at night. My granddaughter loves it too, and I feel comfortable knowing that she is not being exposed to any toxins from the Lip Balm.  You'll love it... give it a try! 
February is looking especially bright for me! I am excited to start a new month, and to see what challenges I will overcome.  I will start posting my workouts and meal plans here.  I know I've said that I was going to before, but boy, I have just been so busy all month. I feel like I don't have alot of personal time right  now. But I will promise to at least log one workout and one day of meals per week to start with.  That way, you guys get an idea of what I am doing to shed all of this weight!

What are your fitness goals for February?  Do you have a plan on acheiving those goals?  How will you stay accountable?  Do you have support?  Are you logging your food and fitness?  Do you find the time to work out, or do you make excuses?  I would like to encourage you right now, this minute, to commit to taking care of your body, your mind, and your overall health, because you are WORTH IT.  If you don't start today, you will never start.  No one is going to do it for you.  If you have alot of weight to lose like I do, it's not going to magically shed itself over night! 

Perseverance, hard work, commitment, positive attitude, back up plans for rainy days, accountability, support, and a Warrior Attitude are all that you need to have the body, health, and life that you desire.  You have to earn it... so get busy, my friends!  Thank you for all of your support and awesome comments, I am sorry I can't publish them all, but I do appreciate you all so very much!  Much love and success to all of you. I am always rooting for ya!

~ The Kaptain XOXOX

Monday, January 28, 2013

Day 28: Still Going Strong!

Happy Monday, Blog-ee's!

I'm still on track, but it's been difficult with my crazy, hectic life. However, it's times such as these that show our true test of integrity, strength, and commitment level. These are circumstances when we are most likely to give up.  But if we just hang in there,  and keep our level of commitment to our highest standards, then we will soon come to realize that we have it in us to be conquerers, warriors, and positive people.  That is what will carry us through stressful times, and eventually, will help us to acheive our goals.

I got to babysit my new baby granddaughter, Lilyanna, this past Friday and Saturday.  She's such a beautiful blessing! breanna was there Friday, and we hung out and watched movies and had pizza. Yes, pizza. I had one slice. And it was good.  It's been raining here in Southern California for the past several days, so I have not been able to get my outdoor cardio done... so I've improvised to indoor cardio via DVD's.  Jillian Michaels, The Fit channel, and Jackie Warner have all been kicking my ass in my living room... on the television, of course. 

This week I will be doing weight training at home, and as soon as the sun comes out again, I will be riding my bike and power walking/jogging in the mornings. I have discovered that my body seems to respond better all around when I lift weights in the evening instead of the mornings.  I feel better, I sleep better, and just feel happier. I don't know what it is with the mornings. I am just one of those people who has to wake up in silence, have my coffee, then eat, then do my office work.  I don't enjoy working out or lifting weights in the morning. It's almost as if my brain is saying, "I can't deal with this right now..."  Lol, so, I will just go with what my body is telling me.  Seems to be working

Please join me on my Facebook Cooking and Recipe business page at THE IRON KITCHEN...  this week I will be teaching on how to properly create meal plans, shopping lists, as well as suggestions and recommendations for bulk cooking and food prep.  This is the most important part of my weightloss and health journey. Without planning ahead and being prepared with my food and menu choices, I would never be able to stay on task with my clean eating. I know this first hand!

Eat Clean, and Train Mean!

~The Kaptain

Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Circle of Life: Day 24

Thursday, January 24th, 2013

Wow.  So much has happened in my life since I blogged here last!  Our precious new Granddaughter, Lilyanna, was born a week early!  She was born on Sunday, Jan 6th, at 8:28am, and weighed in at 7 pounds 2 ounces.  She is absolutely beautiful, and looks just like her Mommy and Daddy!  Breanna is a wonderful and proud new big Sister, and got to feed Lilyanna her very first bottle after she was born!  Such a blessing... She's finally here.  Mellissa can rest now, there will be no more false labor and trips to Labor & Delivery for us;  Lilyanna is here, she's safe and healthy, and beautiful as can be!

Lilyanna's birth is part of the reason I have not blogged in so long.  I have still remained on task with my workouts and Clean Eating, but I have been so exhausted mentally, I just needed to take a break.  I actually had to end my Challenge Group that I started on FB, due to unforseen circumstances and life challenges that came my way earlier this month.  I just need to focus on my journey right now. 

There is so much more at stake here instead of just my health or weightloss journey.  I am going through a variance of issues that are really hard to deal with.  But, having released them all to God, along with my stress, I know that my life will go in the direction that the Lord intends for it to be, and I will be my best "me" that I can, until I figure out where that road will lead me.

I had entered a contest on earlier this month, but decided to withdraw from it for a variety of reasons.  I think I may have hurt my trainer's feelings by joining the challenge, so I withdrew from it. I respect and love my trainer. I never want her to feel betrayed or that I have stepped on her toes.  When I first read about the challenge, I though it would be a great contest to get involved in to further work on my goals, but within the first week of entering, a lot of problems and issues arose in my life that took precedence over the 3 month contest.

This is not an excuse!  I feel that God was trying to tell me to SLOW DOWN and handle my own personal business before putting my self out there for a contest.  As the week progressed, I know I made the right decission in withdrawing.  There will be other contests and other forums to show my hard work and effort that is paying off.  It's just not time yet. I can deal with that!

I came down with a nasty cold and sinus infection last week, and have been under the weather ever since.  I've been nursing my cold with Vitamin C, Airborne, ginger and hot matcha tea (which my awesome trainer sent me!  Everyone, go check out her webpage, "Tea Trim"... get yourself some!) and lot's of raw fruits and veggies.  I do feel like I am fighting this cold immensly, and my immune system is responding wonderfully!  I am praying for a speedy recovery!

On a sad note, my Grandmother, Patricia Smith, went to be with the Lord 2 nights ago.  This has been hard for me to accept, because I loved my grandmother so very much.  She was a special, unique, beautiful woman who enjoyed life to the fullest, and never judged a soul.  She was the most honest and respectful/respected woman I know.  It does make me happy, though, to know that little miss Breanna Ray has her Grandma up there with her, to love her and keep her company till I get there.

There have been lot's of changes in my life this month.  Both good and bad situations have arose that make me realize change is inevitable, and I am on the right track with my goals.  Things may not be perfect yet, but they will be.  I am moving toward the right goals and action plans for my life, and that is what this month has really been about for me:  UNDERSTANDING, ACCEPTING, AND PUSHING FORWARD.  And, I have.

I have lost 4 pounds this month in total.  That is 2 pounds behind goal.  But it's okay.  I am not defined by the number on the scale.  I will keep pushing forward, and I will make my long term goal.  Just keep moving and pushing through the hard times, and enjoy the good times.  I am still "me" regardless of my weight or measurements, and I intend on enjoying my journey every step of the way.

XOXO ~ The Kaptain

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Day 3: Food Karma Knocking At My Door

Thursday, January 3rd, 2013

Oh, my.  I am certainly paying for my food binge yesterday.  Without having to go into TMI mode, let's just say I've had digestive issues all day.  BAD. I did it to myself. Karma is NO JOKE.

I cannot believe how 20 minutes of fast food pleasure has side-tracked my goals and schedule, and screwed up my system.  Lesson learned, God.... LESSON LEARNED. I'm tired. I have no energy. My face has broken out for the first time in I don't know how long. My stomache has been in pain all day. I feel weak, lethargic, and dehydrated. I can't seem to get enough water.  Damn Jack in the Box probably gave me food poisoning or something.
I cannot believe that I sacrificed an ENTIRE DAY that has been devoted to nothing but "Junk Food Hangover."  Seriously.... I can't believe how crappy I feel. I cannot WAIT to wake up tomorrow morning, after a hopeful good night of rest, and get back on track.  My fast food derailment has really messed me up.

I have learned my lesson and this experience has grossed me out and disgusted me to NEVER DO IT AGAIN... okay, I know that is something that I cannot promise.  But I can be self-assured, it won't happen for a very long, long time.  Even my husband asked me today, "Man, what's WRONG with you? Are you okay? Are you getting sick?" I can hide an illness pretty darn good... but not today. You can even hear my stomache gurgling. Yuk.

It is because of my side step yesterday that I would like to take a moment and introduce you to The Eat-Clean Diet website if you have not yet heard of it, and you have either an eating disorder, or just a need in your life to get healthy.  The Eat-Clean Diet is not a "diet"... it's a way of life. Eat Clean, get lean! Tosca Reno is the Author of all of the Eat-Clean Diet series books by Robert Kennedy Publishing.  You can locate all of her books on, and you can find their website at  I promise you, Tosca and her Eat-Clean Team will change your life! 

And if you have an eating disorder of any kind, please talk to your Physician and seek help ASAP. Your life depends on it. Eating disorders are no joke.  For anyone who thinks they suffer from being a binge eater or an over eater or an emotional eater, please check out Overeaters Anonymous website located at this link:  You can also find information about other eating disorders there.

Here's to a better tomorrow.  I will turn things around, and re-focus on my journey.  I was mentally prepared to do just that today; however, my body had different plans for me.  I have a huge community of support from all of my FB friends and my ECD Family. Thank you, to each and every one of you. You all know who you are! XOXOXO

~The Kaptain

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Warrior Down....

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2013

Yesterday was a phenominal day for me. Today, not so much.  Personal issues got the best of me, and I cracked.  It takes alot to crack me emotionally... but today was the day that I could not continue with a smile on my face any longer.  There was no Warrior Workout today. No, my lower body exercises never got done. Nope, didn't do cardio either.  And my clean eating meal plan for today? Pffffff... out the window.

In all fairness to me, my day did not start out so bad.  I woke up grumpy and sore, from yesterday's upper body workout.  My lower back hurt, and I could barely lift anything up.  No, I'm not injured, if that's what you're pondering... just sore.  A good kind of sore that you have a love/hate relationship with when you lift weights.  None-the-less, I did get a few things done early this morning, and I stuck to my meal plan until about 2 hours ago.  That's when my day just sort of fell apart.

I had an issue today that I allowed to get the better of me.  My frustrations and emotions have been building up, yet quietly masqueraded for quite some time now.  Today, I finally exploded at the situation, and I lost all common sense and control.  The good news is, that I did not run to Yum Yum Donuts and binge eat on all of those pretty vanilla donuts with the colorful pastel sprinkles on top. 

The bad new is, that Jack-in-the-Crap won.  Why the hell I would end up driving around to clear my head and end up in a Jack-in-the-box drive through window is far beyond my understanding. I do know that I hate Jack-in-the-crap, I hate fast food, I preach the Eat-Clean lifestyle, and I am currently in WARRIOR MODE to lose 80 pounds.

What the hell happened to me today?  First off, don't get your panties in too big of a bunch with me~  I am a human being, after all.  And although this is only day 2 of the new year, this is far from being the beginning of my weightloss journey.  I did start this journey over 3 years ago, and I have made many slip ups and mistakes.  Today is no different. I am an Over Eater. I have a disease, an addiction, and today just proved and confirmed to me that when I get too comfortable with thinking I do not need to stick with my Overeaters Anonymous program after going without binging for long periods of time, THIS is what happens.  It's been over a year since I have done something like this, I believe. Hey, at least I'm getting it over with at the BEGINING of the year.

All jokes aside, this is pretty serious for me.  Here is the definition of  the word“Binge”:  1) Unrestrained activity. 2) To indulge without restraint. (Webster’s New Compact Office Dictionary, 2003).

Although I did not indulge in food without restraint, meaning to 'overeat food without the ability to stop yourself'  (which I've done plenty of times throughout my life), I DID partake in unrestrained activity. I simply could not restrain myself from eating fast food. I purchased 2 Tacos, 1 value fry, and one value drink, which totalled $3.24 all together.  The tacos were nasty and skimpy, there was barely a handful of fries, and I drank Sprite, which is something I quit drinking 2 years ago.  Yes, I ate foods that I used to love to binge on, in extreme.  But today, I was "content" just eating this small amount. It was sort of wierd, really.

I new I should not be eating the greasy, fake, poisonous fast food. I knew I should not drink the sugar laden Sprite.  I was aware of what I was doing, and I continued to eat the garbage.  But when I was full, I was FULL. Done. I did not want any more. I did not have any more. I don't think I've ever done that before during a "binge" moment.  I had parital-control over my binge. I am an emotional eater, and I got fat by binge eating after my daughter passed away almost 11 years ago. I eat to numb my pain, my feelings, and to take away the reality that I hate so much.

I did the same thing today, really.  I ran away from my problems, and I lost control temporarily. I ate for emotional reasons, but I stopped eating for reasons of growth, knowledge, and love for myself and my journey to better my life. Today taught me two things that sort of contradict each other~ First, it taught me that I HAVE learned alot over the past 3 years.  I have applied the Eat-Clean lifestyle to my health and fitness goals, and I do know the right way to take care of myself now. And Overeaters Anonymous has taught me to recognize acknowledge, and stop bad eating behaviors. Second, today taught me that no matter how much knowledge I have, I will never be "curred" of my eating disorder, and I will always need to have a good Overeaters Anonymous program in my life, including and most importantly, my faith and relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

I have alot of people counting on me right now.  My personal weightloss journey is counting on me. My children and Grandchildren are counting on me. My family and friends are counting on me. My Dobies are counting on me (my other babies! Love them!). My health and wellbeing is counting on me. My Eat-Clean Diet Community is counting on me. My ECD Warrior Sisters on Facebook are counting on me. My personal Trainer Sj is counting on me. My daughter up in Heaven is counting on me. God is counting on me.  That is ALOT of people and situations that are counting on me to stand up, take today back, and get my ass back on track.

It's 5:22pm California time as I finish this blog post.  I still have a clean dinner to cook.  I still have a "COMMIT TO BE FIT" Challenge Group to guide and author in.  I still have to get my lower body workout in. I still need to get my Cardio in. I still need to set new goals in order to get me to a happier place in my life.  I have a lot to do this evening. I better get cracking.

~The Kaptain

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year, New Me: WARRIOR STYLE!

Tuesday, Jan 1st, 2013

Today was an awesome day. 

I awoke, blessed that God has given me another beautiful day to enjoy. I awoke 'hangover-free', as I've done for the past several years.  With new goals pre-set, a kick-ass action plan in hand, I arose out of bed to begin my first day of 2013. In my mind, I could here my trainer Sj enouraging me on. I put on my gym clothes, which are nothing fancy yet. I put on my Nikes, and walked out to the living room.

 Our new home gym was calling my name.  I've been waiting for this day for a long time.  Today is the day that I advance from set backs, injuries, and excuses.  Today, the weights are MINE. Today, I am a true Sister in Iron, an IRON PIRATE.  Tosca Reno and Sj Nieusma, I will make you proud. NO EXCUSES.

I took a few minutes to really assess all of our new gym equipment.  We don't have an "Olympic" style workout weight bench, but our new one is a good one. We don't have stair masters and treadmills to utilize, nor do we have fancy costly equipment.  We have the basics.  And that is enough.  NO EXCUSES.

After setting all of the adjustments on the bench for my needs, I put my plan into action.  Today, I would only do an upper body workout. No abs, and no lower body. Just the basics. Just for today.  When you make the decission to start training with weights, it is a big deal.  You must know what you are doing, and learn about all of the muscle groups in your body, and how to properly work them out.  You must start slowly, with small weights.  If you've never lifted before and are inactive, you will probably want to start with 2 to 3 pound weights in the begining... however, you will quickly move up to 5's.  You will want to start low especially if you are coming off of a previous injury. Slow and low to start!  You can always increase when you're ready.  Start smart.... NO EXCUSES.

I re-started working out with light weights this past October after nursing a severe knee and wrist injury that occured earlier in 2012.  I wanted to slowly get back into the swing of a workout routine, and not push my self too hard like I've done in the past, causing further injury.  I started walking again, and doing minimal 5 pound weight training sessions a few times a week.  I set a goal to utilize October- December 2012 as my months to slowly break back into exercise and weights.  I also set January 1st, 2013 as my goal to bump it up and begin a rigorous weight training program with help from my trainer, Sj.  I have 80 pounds left to lose, and this is the year I am going to lose it. NO EXCUSES.

Okay, so some of you may laugh at this, and it's okay.  I am proud of myself, at any rate.  Today, I shed the 5 pound dumbells, and repped it out with 10!  So very proud. You have no idea. I'm sure Mr. Dwayne'The Rock' Johnson is laughing his biceps off at me right now. By the way, Mr. Rock, my trainer Sj Nieusma wants to be YOU.  No, she doesn't "want" you, she wants to BE you. She wants your guns. Lol! Gotta love Sj!!!! ------------->

I chose to go "Back to Basics" today with my workout, as well as my meal plan for the week.  Back in the early '90s when I used to weight train, I received a copy of Joyce Vedral's "Bottoms Up" workout book.  It was, simply put, AMAZING. Joyce helped me lose weight and gain muscle the right way. I love Joyce!  And, Joyce is still around! Check her website out! She looks fabulous! Joyce was around before Tosca was. I think Susan Powter as well as Suzanne Summers had books and work out videos out at the time, too.  At any rate, I know Joyce's workouts are ass-kicking, so I decided to go 'retro' with one of her upper body workouts today. It was not pain-free. Lol. (Joyce ------->)

I chose to do 3 sets of 10, 12, and 14 reps for each upper body part.  That's not what I typically do, but hey, I advanced to 10 pound dumbells today, remember? ;)  I have to say, that I struggled while trying to finish my reps during my overhead triceps extensions.  Wow. I used to have nice, strong, pretty triceps. Used to is the key thought here.  I keep forgetting how long it's been since I really worked out hard.  I did not make it to 14 reps during my Tri's.... I could barely get through 10 reps on the 3rd set.

Practice, hard work, dedication, and determination will slowly take over and perfect my workouts.  And when they feel "perfect," then I know it's time to change it up. That's usually about the time a good old plateau hits!  Today was NOT easy. As a matter of fact, it was pretty difficult for me.  But the energy that I had all day was well worth it. My energy level was INSANE today. Just insane.

I can't even describe it to you. I woke up, worked out, showered, ate breakfast, worked with my Weightloss Challenge Group online, cleaned the house, did laundry, put away more christmas decorations, wrote an article for a company I am seeking employment with, and played with our Dobies all day.  I am sure I'm leaving something out... I was like a mad woman, multi-tasking today! I loved it!

Today was the best day that I have had since my daughter went to be with the Lord almost 11 years ago.  Not "best day" as in better then anything that has happened in my life since that horrible, tragic day.... but it was the best day both energetic wise and depression wise since I lost my daughter... I had energy, happiness, and strength today... a combination that I have not felt together in years.  Nothing has ever felt that good... not even a bite of a Snickers Bar.

My menu has been pretty much planned out for the next several months.  Today, my meal plan was as follows:  Pre-workout: Nothing... fasted pre-workout. I cant usually do this, but today, I really was not hungry, and could not force any food down. (I did drink alot of water throughout my workout).  Post- workout:  Blueberry banana protein smoothie with Almond Milk and spinach.  Breakfast:  Egg veggie scramble with broccoli and tomato, 1/2 cup hot oats with blueberries, water to drink~ Ate late, so due to post workout smoothie, I skipped my morning snack.  

Lunch:  I veared from my planned lunch, and had leftovers from last night's dinner:  Spinach salad with 4 ounces lean roasted chicken breast, kiwi, pear, red onion, walnuts, Pomegranate Vinegrette, 1/4 cup baked yam, 1/2 cup Sauteed Kale and garlic, water to drink.

Afternoon snack: 3/4 cup Greek yogurt mixed with blueberries and a drizzle of honey, topped with mint leaves and 3 crushed walnuts; Dinner:  Chicken and sliced veggie sandwich (The Kaptain's Galley Special, on my meal plan, was supposed to be lunch, but ate it for dinner instead) and a sliced orange. 

As I am writing and finishing this blog, it's 9:30 p.m. California time, and I am feeling happy, proud, content and satisfied. I am not hungry, nor am I stressed out about anything.  I feel pleasantly tired and a little sore.  I am ready for a good night of sleep, rest, and I'm looking forward to rising bright and early tomorrow, to do it all over again.

Good night, everyone.  I hope your New Year is as blessed as I know mine is going to be. XOXO
~The Kaptain