No, I did not hit my target goal of losing 2 pounds per week. But that is okay! It's just a goal that I created for myself, and it's ulitmately just a number. Numbers do NOT define me. After all of the stress that I encountered through the past month, I'm surprised I was still able to Warrior it out, and stay on task with my eating clean and training. I am proud of myself for that!

This past month, I have worked my tail off. I have worked through illness and injury. I recovered so much quicker from a simple cold this year then I did last year. I know it's because I have been pumping myself with extra vitamins, dark greens, and some awesome Matcha Tea Trim that my trainer Sj Nieusma sent me. She recommends drinking it twice daily. My fav way to drink it is hot, with a few slivers of fresh ginger, and also blended in a vanilla berry whey protein smoothie.

February is looking especially bright for me! I am excited to start a new month, and to see what challenges I will overcome. I will start posting my workouts and meal plans here. I know I've said that I was going to before, but boy, I have just been so busy all month. I feel like I don't have alot of personal time right now. But I will promise to at least log one workout and one day of meals per week to start with. That way, you guys get an idea of what I am doing to shed all of this weight!
What are your fitness goals for February? Do you have a plan on acheiving those goals? How will you stay accountable? Do you have support? Are you logging your food and fitness? Do you find the time to work out, or do you make excuses? I would like to encourage you right now, this minute, to commit to taking care of your body, your mind, and your overall health, because you are WORTH IT. If you don't start today, you will never start. No one is going to do it for you. If you have alot of weight to lose like I do, it's not going to magically shed itself over night!
Perseverance, hard work, commitment, positive attitude, back up plans for rainy days, accountability, support, and a Warrior Attitude are all that you need to have the body, health, and life that you desire. You have to earn it... so get busy, my friends! Thank you for all of your support and awesome comments, I am sorry I can't publish them all, but I do appreciate you all so very much! Much love and success to all of you. I am always rooting for ya!
Perseverance, hard work, commitment, positive attitude, back up plans for rainy days, accountability, support, and a Warrior Attitude are all that you need to have the body, health, and life that you desire. You have to earn it... so get busy, my friends! Thank you for all of your support and awesome comments, I am sorry I can't publish them all, but I do appreciate you all so very much! Much love and success to all of you. I am always rooting for ya!
~ The Kaptain XOXOX
Great post Kaptain! I've started a journal today to keep track of my eating. I hate doing it because it takes time and its a pain but it works! I too easily put food in my mouth out of boredom or other dumb reasons. I also have to write down my workouts because January was not as good as I would have liked it to be. New month, fresh start!
ReplyDeleteHi Esther! New Month, Fresh Start!!!! Love your attitude! Hey, have a blast visiting with Tosca today... Are you just so extremely excited? Muahhh! Big hugz to you, sister! XOXOXOX ~K