Tuesday, Jan 1st, 2013
Today was an awesome day.
I awoke, blessed that God has given me another beautiful day to enjoy. I awoke 'hangover-free', as I've done for the past several years. With new goals pre-set, a kick-ass action plan in hand, I arose out of bed to begin my first day of 2013. In my mind, I could here my trainer Sj enouraging me on. I put on my gym clothes, which are nothing fancy yet. I put on my Nikes, and walked out to the living room.
Our new home gym was calling my name. I've been waiting for this day for a long time. Today is the day that I advance from set backs, injuries, and excuses. Today, the weights are MINE. Today, I am a true Sister in Iron, an IRON PIRATE. Tosca Reno and Sj Nieusma, I will make you proud. NO EXCUSES.
I took a few minutes to really assess all of our new gym equipment. We don't have an "Olympic" style workout weight bench, but our new one is a good one. We don't have stair masters and treadmills to utilize, nor do we have fancy costly equipment. We have the basics. And that is enough. NO EXCUSES.

After setting all of the adjustments on the bench for my needs, I put my plan into action. Today, I would only do an upper body workout. No abs, and no lower body. Just the basics. Just for today. When you make the decission to start training with weights, it is a big deal. You must know what you are doing, and learn about all of the muscle groups in your body, and how to properly work them out. You must start slowly, with small weights. If you've never lifted before and are inactive, you will probably want to start with 2 to 3 pound weights in the begining... however, you will quickly move up to 5's. You will want to start low especially if you are coming off of a previous injury. Slow and low to start! You can always increase when you're ready. Start smart.... NO EXCUSES.
I re-started working out with light weights this past October after nursing a severe knee and wrist injury that occured earlier in 2012. I wanted to slowly get back into the swing of a workout routine, and not push my self too hard like I've done in the past, causing further injury. I started walking again, and doing minimal 5 pound weight training sessions a few times a week. I set a goal to utilize October- December 2012 as my months to slowly break back into exercise and weights. I also set January 1st, 2013 as my goal to bump it up and begin a rigorous weight training program with help from my trainer, Sj. I have 80 pounds left to lose, and this is the year I am going to lose it. NO EXCUSES.

Okay, so some of you may laugh at this, and it's okay. I am proud of myself, at any rate. Today, I shed the 5 pound dumbells, and repped it out with 10! So very proud. You have no idea. I'm sure Mr. Dwayne'The Rock' Johnson is laughing his biceps off at me right now. By the way, Mr. Rock, my trainer Sj Nieusma wants to be YOU. No, she doesn't "want" you, she wants to BE you. She wants your guns. Lol! Gotta love Sj!!!! ------------->

I chose to go "Back to Basics" today with my workout, as well as my meal plan for the week. Back in the early '90s when I used to weight train, I received a copy of Joyce Vedral's "Bottoms Up" workout book. It was, simply put, AMAZING. Joyce helped me lose weight and gain muscle the right way. I love Joyce! And, Joyce is still around! Check her website out! She looks fabulous! Joyce was around before Tosca was. I think Susan Powter as well as Suzanne Summers had books and work out videos out at the time, too. At any rate, I know Joyce's workouts are ass-kicking, so I decided to go 'retro' with one of her upper body workouts today. It was not pain-free. Lol. (Joyce ------->)
I chose to do 3 sets of 10, 12, and 14 reps for each upper body part. That's not what I typically do, but hey, I advanced to 10 pound dumbells today, remember? ;) I have to say, that I struggled while trying to finish my reps during my overhead triceps extensions. Wow. I used to have nice, strong, pretty triceps. Used to is the key thought here. I keep forgetting how long it's been since I really worked out hard. I did not make it to 14 reps during my Tri's.... I could barely get through 10 reps on the 3rd set.
Practice, hard work, dedication, and determination will slowly take over and perfect my workouts. And when they feel "perfect," then I know it's time to change it up. That's usually about the time a good old plateau hits! Today was NOT easy. As a matter of fact, it was pretty difficult for me. But the energy that I had all day was well worth it. My energy level was INSANE today. Just insane.
I can't even describe it to you. I woke up, worked out, showered, ate breakfast, worked with my Weightloss Challenge Group online, cleaned the house, did laundry, put away more christmas decorations, wrote an article for a company I am seeking employment with, and played with our Dobies all day. I am sure I'm leaving something out... I was like a mad woman, multi-tasking today! I loved it!

Today was the best day that I have had since my daughter went to be with the Lord almost 11 years ago. Not "best day" as in better then anything that has happened in my life since that horrible, tragic day.... but it was the best day both energetic wise and depression wise since I lost my daughter... I had energy, happiness, and strength today... a combination that I have not felt together in years. Nothing has ever felt that good... not even a bite of a Snickers Bar.

My menu has been pretty much planned out for the next several months. Today, my meal plan was as follows:
Pre-workout: Nothing... fasted pre-workout. I cant usually do this, but today, I really was not hungry, and could not force any food down. (I did drink alot of water throughout my workout).
Post- workout: Blueberry banana protein smoothie with Almond Milk and spinach.
Breakfast: Egg veggie scramble with broccoli and tomato, 1/2 cup hot oats with blueberries, water to drink~ Ate late, so due to post workout smoothie, I skipped my morning snack.
Lunch: I veared from my planned lunch, and had leftovers from last night's dinner: Spinach salad with 4 ounces lean roasted chicken breast, kiwi, pear, red onion, walnuts, Pomegranate Vinegrette, 1/4 cup baked yam, 1/2 cup Sauteed Kale and garlic, water to drink.
Afternoon snack: 3/4 cup Greek yogurt mixed with blueberries and a drizzle of honey, topped with mint leaves and 3 crushed walnuts;
Dinner: Chicken and sliced veggie sandwich (The Kaptain's Galley Special, on my meal plan, was supposed to be lunch, but ate it for dinner instead) and a sliced orange.
As I am writing and finishing this blog, it's 9:30 p.m. California time, and I am feeling happy, proud, content and satisfied. I am not hungry, nor am I stressed out about anything. I feel pleasantly tired and a little sore. I am ready for a good night of sleep, rest, and I'm looking forward to rising bright and early tomorrow, to do it all over again.
Good night, everyone. I hope your New Year is as blessed as I know mine is going to be. XOXO
~The Kaptain