Monday, June 30th, 2014
Good morning, and happy Monday, my Blogee's!
In my last blog post, I wrote about committing to an upcoming 5K run/walk in my daughter's honor & memory. Today begins my training routine. For the next few months, I will be eating, drinking, walking, jogging, running, talking, studying, practicing, living, & blogging my 5K lifestyle!
I made this commitment for two reasons: 1) To honor the life and memory of my daughter, and 2) To make a commitment to get back on track and work seriously and diligently on my 100 pound weight loss efforts. Sometimes, we need to set goals and commitments in order to get serious about a thought that we would like to bring to life. This 5K is perfect for me, and is very do-able with the current health issues that I have. With lot's of past reflection, I have thought long and hard about the goals and focus needed in order to complete this phase of my newest journey.

My number two focus is motivation. I must keep up my motivation to finish this out. Posting here on my blog forum is a way for me to document and share my daily training, food intake, progress, & even regression... whatever I am experiencing through this training... is important to discuss and keep track of. Being able to look back at my progress is imperative to my continued motivation & future success. Sharing it with all of you is an added benefit! I encourage each and every one of you (currently, my 8 followers.... Lol!!!) to commit to something this summer, whether it's a 5K, 10K, new fitness program, clean eating, weight training, a walking program with a buddy, etc.

I have only ONE cheat day planned. My daughters from another mother, Jeni and Crystal, are coming into town next week, and we are going to eat some fabulous California Burrito's together! This has been pre-planned for a while now, so I am going to relish the cheat/treat, and enjoy their company! I am excited about their visit... I'm looking forward to it very much.
Sleep is also imperative to my success. I will be going to bed at 8 p.m., and the television will now go off at 10 p.m. (timer will be pre-set). I don't really watch television during the day, because I am so busy with school and writing projects/assignments, that I don't have time for it. Night time is when I like to unwind and watch a little television. But it can keep me up until midnight, even 1 a.m. at times... so NO MORE of that!

My number 4 focus is to finally find a buddy who wants to physically train with me, and act as my support system. I am usually the one doing the supporting, and I have come to the conclusion that I need to have a support system of my own in order to stay motivated and positive. This will be difficult due to the early morning workout schedule I have created for myself, but it's not un-obtainable!
I'm sure that some day, I will find someone with the same goals and interests that I have, that really wants to train with a partner. I'm not talking about a romantic interest, Lol! I'm already married! I'm talking about a female training partner who wants to achieve similar goals that I do, who is ready to commit to a fit lifestyle, who I can count on and turn to in my times of self-doubt, lack of motivation, and trials. Until then, It'll just be me and my dober-kids! The best safety in the world!

Focus number 5 will be breakfast: Pre-workout and Post-workout meals, specifically. I am soooo not good at eating breakfast before 10 am. It actually makes me nauseated to look at food before that time of day. This must change! The goal here is to eat an energizing pre-workout meal 30 minutes prior to my scheduled workout, and to follow up my workout with a protein-based meal or smoothie. This means that instead of eating a sit-down breakfast (one large meal), I will be dividing breakfast up into 2 increments to support my energy and nutritional needs for my actual workout.
Sound confusing? It's not. I have pre-calculated my daily basic caloric needs in order to lose weight. My personal daily calorie goals (for now) are 1800 calories; yours will be different from mine. Next, I calculated how many calories I am allotted for each meal and snack (you can do this too! A great calorie tool to utilize can be found at:
For 3 meals/2snacks daily, my calculations come up as 450 calories per meal and 225 calories per snack (Also translates to 50% healthy carbs, 30% lean protein, and 20% healthy fats). This may sound like a lot, but remember: I currently weight over 200 pounds, and to STAY the same weight, my calorie intake would need to be well over 2,000 calories per day! Yikes! In order to burn fat and lose weight, I have to factor in calories to deplete, as well as the exercises need to burn off extra calories. I will discuss this in another future post here.

*450/2 = 225 calories per each pre & post workout breakfast meal on training days
* Breakfast: 450 calories
Snack 1: 250 calories
Lunch: 450 calories
Snack 2: 250 calories
Dinner: 450 calories
The more weight I lose, I will have to re-calculate my calorie plan. When you are at a smaller weight, you need less calories daily. So for now, this will be my calorie target for each meal. While in training, it is imperative that one must stick to calorie and fitness goals due to the energy and nutrients your body needs on a cellular level. For life-long maintenance, you can be a little more flexible as long as you are consistent in keeping up with your healthy lifestyle.

Each of my 7 main commitment focuses are crucial to my success, both through my training phase as well as through life. We must have balance, and for me, these 7 focuses are the ways that I will find the balance that I need. How do I know this? Because I've trained before. I've lost weight before. I've eaten clean before. I've set goals before. I've suffered through injury before. I've suffered through years of heartache, depression, and anxiety in the past. I know what I need to do in order to be diligent and stay on track.

Let the training begin. I am so grateful for this opportunity. In your honor, and in your memory, Breanna Ray. Mommy loves you to eternity and beyond.
~The Kaptain
*If you are interested in reading my articles about Obesity, please follow the link to my 'Obesity' website: