As I sit here reflecting on all that 2012 had in store for me, one thing keeps coming to mind: I'm still here, I haven't given up, I haven't quit, and I'm still moving FORWARD.
Now I'm moving forward into a new year, 2013, with new goals and new visions. I may have been badly injured in 2012 and unable to attain the weightloss goals that I had previously set in order for myself, but I really did not "fail." I could have given up. I could have just threw my hands up in the air and quit. But I didn't. And for that, I am proud of myself.
Many exciting things happened throughout 2012, and many sad situations made their appearances. There were stressful times, fun times, lot's of happy times with my children, grandchildren, and husband. And there were family stressors, as well. One thing I know, inspite of it all, is that I love my children very much, and my grandchildren are my life!
We welcomed a new grandaughter into our family last month, and we will be welcoming another granddaughter next week! Such exciting events! I pray that 2013 is the year that my family can finally come together, with no arguing or drama, and we can all just be grateful for one another, and we can enjoy our time together instead of wasting it.
Tomorrow, Jan 1st, 2013 marks my first day of my hard core weight training journey. Yes, I started my "Iron Pirate" journey a couple of months ago, but that was really just a continuation of my weightloss goals that I initially set over 2 years ago. Starting this blog in October was a means for me to get back on my feet, slowly, and recover from my knee injuries so that I could slowly work my way back into being fit.
Tomorrow, Jan 1st, 2013, marks the first day of the rest of my life. It marks the first day of my intense long term goal of shedding my last 80 pounds. I am ready, I am able, and I am unstopable. I know it's not going to be easy, but that's half the fun.... nothing in life comes easy or free. There are no magic pills and no magic secrets to become healthy and fit.
Hard work, dedication, commitment, proper nourishment from Eating Clean, a hearty ass-kicking fitness regimine to include weight training and cardio, and 3 liters of water per day are my main goals. I am a Warrior. And I won't give up, quit, give in, or look back.....
It's only forward. From this moment on.
Happy 2013 to all of my blogger followers (all 5 of you... Lol!), to all of my family and friends, and all of my Eat Clean Diet Warriors! I love each and every one of you! XOXOXO
Yep... you guessed it... I am officially an Eat Clean Diet Ambassador now, too! I couldn't be more thrilled! Thank you Kiersten Coraddetti, and Tosca Reno.... and everyone at ECD! I love you <3
~Kaptain Kymberly
Monday, December 31, 2012
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
December's Goals Get Rid of Tummy Rolls =)
Happy December!
Today is the 4th, and Christmas is exactly 3 weeks from today! Wow! It seems like just yesterday that I was prepparing and setting goals for The Eat-Clean Diet's 4th Annual Makeover Challenge for 2012! I can't believe almost an entire year has gone by! And congrat's are in order for Carrie Kennedy for winning 1st place in that awesome challenge! Go Carrie!
(Carrie Kennedy, pictured above, 2012 winner of The ECD Makeover Challenge! If Carrie can do it, then so can I!)
Now it's time to get back to work on "me" after all of my family craziness lately! In case you are new to my blog, you can read my last post here to see what's been on my plate for the past couple of months! Hectic! That's no "long-term" excuse, though~ time to get busy.
I have a most awesome trainer named Sj Nieusma who is going to help guide me through my Iron Pirate Weightloss Journey. This week, we are starting with low carb intake, as well as morning cardio and afternoon weight training. She'd like for me to do fast-cardio, but I am prone to migraines, and I really need to eat something with substance before I workout. So this is something we will be playing around with for the next few weeks, to see what I can and can't tollerate.
(My Personal Trainer, Sj Nieusma, above.... check out her book 'Shedding for the Wedding"! You won't be disappointed! You can purchase it in Kindle format, too! )
My workouts will be split; cardio in the morning, and weights in the afternoon. I have a plan for the dreaded plateau when it decides to impede, so I am well prepared in advance. I also got my bike down from the garage ceiling, and will be riding occassionally to pick up my granddaughter from school throughout the week, as long as weather permits. I have a small home gym, with free-weights up to 20 pounds, weight bench, resistance bands, and a heavy bag that I love to beat the crap out of when I am frustrated. I have a yoga mat along with a variety of yoga DVDs and workout DVDs, as well as Nordic Walking Poles for power walking. I have enough to get started with the goals I have set for the next month.
As I have mentioned previously, my weight loss journey will be (and has been since 2010) based around Tosca Reno's The Eat-Clean Diet lifestyle, as well as weight training and cardio. There will be no magic pills or "food replacement shakes/meals" put into my precious body that God gave me. It is my responsibility to make my journey as healthy as possible, so I am doing it the RIGHT way. THE EAT-CLEAN DIET WAY!
You can trust me when I tell you that I have done my fair share, if not more, of research on products such as Isagenix and the like. I have also been "suckered in" to the business side of said-product by a well known person in the fitness industry. Believe me when I say this: THE BEST AND HEALTHIEST WAY TO GET YOUR BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT INTO TIP TOP SHAPE AND OPTIMAL HEALTH IS TO EAT CLEAN, DRINK 2 OR MORE LITERS OF WATER PER DAY, AND HAVE AN EXCEPTIONAL FITNESS PLAN IN PLACE. BE AND STAY COMITTED. MAKE IT A LIFESTYLE, NOT A DIET.
Any product (pictured here, to the right ---> ) that arrives in the mail that contains these tiny words written on the shipping label, "The ingredients in this product have been known to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm," should NOT BE CONSUMED OR UTILIZED by any person on the face of this earth! It's TRASH! I don't care WHO tries to sell it to you, or how famous they are. DON'T FALL INTO THEIR TRAP! Yes, I speak from experience with this product. Don't leave me any messages here telling me how great the product you are taking is... I will delete it. No Exceptions.
So here is to December~ hopefully my current goals will get rid of some tummy rolls before Christmas this year! It would be awesome just to be down one size by then! 3 weeks? I can totally do it! Breaking down my long term goals into monthly goals is so refreshing for me. No more "long distance" stinking thinking! I have set realistic goals in realistic time frames that are very acheivable! My goal for December is to drop 8 pounds by Christmas morning, or one clothing size, whichever comes first!
(Above, my Eat-Clean Diet Roll Model and inspiration, Tosca Reno! Doesn't she look amazing?)
As always, I'll keep you all posted! Eat Clean, and Train Mean!
XOXOXO The Kaptain =) "KaptainMorgan"
Today is the 4th, and Christmas is exactly 3 weeks from today! Wow! It seems like just yesterday that I was prepparing and setting goals for The Eat-Clean Diet's 4th Annual Makeover Challenge for 2012! I can't believe almost an entire year has gone by! And congrat's are in order for Carrie Kennedy for winning 1st place in that awesome challenge! Go Carrie!
(Carrie Kennedy, pictured above, 2012 winner of The ECD Makeover Challenge! If Carrie can do it, then so can I!)
Now it's time to get back to work on "me" after all of my family craziness lately! In case you are new to my blog, you can read my last post here to see what's been on my plate for the past couple of months! Hectic! That's no "long-term" excuse, though~ time to get busy.
I have a most awesome trainer named Sj Nieusma who is going to help guide me through my Iron Pirate Weightloss Journey. This week, we are starting with low carb intake, as well as morning cardio and afternoon weight training. She'd like for me to do fast-cardio, but I am prone to migraines, and I really need to eat something with substance before I workout. So this is something we will be playing around with for the next few weeks, to see what I can and can't tollerate.
My workouts will be split; cardio in the morning, and weights in the afternoon. I have a plan for the dreaded plateau when it decides to impede, so I am well prepared in advance. I also got my bike down from the garage ceiling, and will be riding occassionally to pick up my granddaughter from school throughout the week, as long as weather permits. I have a small home gym, with free-weights up to 20 pounds, weight bench, resistance bands, and a heavy bag that I love to beat the crap out of when I am frustrated. I have a yoga mat along with a variety of yoga DVDs and workout DVDs, as well as Nordic Walking Poles for power walking. I have enough to get started with the goals I have set for the next month.
As I have mentioned previously, my weight loss journey will be (and has been since 2010) based around Tosca Reno's The Eat-Clean Diet lifestyle, as well as weight training and cardio. There will be no magic pills or "food replacement shakes/meals" put into my precious body that God gave me. It is my responsibility to make my journey as healthy as possible, so I am doing it the RIGHT way. THE EAT-CLEAN DIET WAY!

Any product (pictured here, to the right ---> ) that arrives in the mail that contains these tiny words written on the shipping label, "The ingredients in this product have been known to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm," should NOT BE CONSUMED OR UTILIZED by any person on the face of this earth! It's TRASH! I don't care WHO tries to sell it to you, or how famous they are. DON'T FALL INTO THEIR TRAP! Yes, I speak from experience with this product. Don't leave me any messages here telling me how great the product you are taking is... I will delete it. No Exceptions.
So here is to December~ hopefully my current goals will get rid of some tummy rolls before Christmas this year! It would be awesome just to be down one size by then! 3 weeks? I can totally do it! Breaking down my long term goals into monthly goals is so refreshing for me. No more "long distance" stinking thinking! I have set realistic goals in realistic time frames that are very acheivable! My goal for December is to drop 8 pounds by Christmas morning, or one clothing size, whichever comes first!
(Above, my Eat-Clean Diet Roll Model and inspiration, Tosca Reno! Doesn't she look amazing?)
As always, I'll keep you all posted! Eat Clean, and Train Mean!
XOXOXO The Kaptain =) "KaptainMorgan"
Saturday, November 24, 2012
I'm STILL here!
Saturday, November 24th, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I know I am two days late in wishing all of you a holiday full of blessings, but I am still here! I havent created any posts here in almost a month. With all of the things that have been going on in my personal life, I decided to take a break from blogging for a bit. It was getting rather stressful, having to deal with personal issues as well as writing about them! Had a relaxing time cooking our Thanksgiving day turkey and favorite foods, though! Cooking is so cathardic to me!
I am still on my Iron Pirate journey, and I have lost 6 pounds since starting last month. My daughter has had a very difficult pregnancy, and we have been to the ER and Hospital several times since I last posted here. However, baby Lilyanna has decided to stay put for now (Lol! Due date is January 10th, 2013) and our Thanksgiving Day Feast went un-interupted by any contractions or urgent issues! My daughter was placed on 100% full time bed rest last week, so my husband and I went to their house for the Thanksgiving holiday and cooked for her, her Fiance, and our granddaughter Breanna! We had a lovely time! We also had her baby shower last weekend... she got so many wonderful and cute gifts~ and we all had such a great time!
Here's the hospital.... AGAIN!!! UGGHHHH!
My journey thus far has been clean, with the exception of Thanksgiving Day. I do not usually limit foods on the holidays, I always plan to have just a little bit of everything, icluding pie! I think that last year I kept it pretty clean for Thanksgiving, but this year, I did not limit myself. I have great portion control, and I do not feel the need to over-eat or binge on foods anymore. It's so wonderful to be able to enjoy food for what it was REALLY meant to be: Fuel for our bodies, and an occassionally planned cheat treat.
We also had a nice surprise last week.... Our daughter Kelly had her baby early, so we welcomed Princess Sophia to our family... Meet baby Sophia, everyone! 5 pounds, 2 ounces! Born on Nov 14th, 2012 <3
My goal for the end of 2012 was to lose 20 pounds by the last day of December. I have 14 pounds to go. I am edging my way back into walking and light jogging just like I wanted to do, and I have not had any injuries thus far. 2 pounds per week is my optimal weight loss goal right now. I know that peri-menopause plays a big part in my wieght retention: This past month, I had a uterine fibroid rupture... that was extremely painful. I also skipped my period this month! What a wierd October and November this has been for me. I can't wait to start off 2013 on the RIGHT foot!
I hope everyone had a very blessed Thanksgiving holiday. Now, it's time to set all of my December goals, and work on January's Challenge for the new year.
Eat Clean and Train Mean, my Warriors!
~ Love, the Kaptain XOXOXO
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I know I am two days late in wishing all of you a holiday full of blessings, but I am still here! I havent created any posts here in almost a month. With all of the things that have been going on in my personal life, I decided to take a break from blogging for a bit. It was getting rather stressful, having to deal with personal issues as well as writing about them! Had a relaxing time cooking our Thanksgiving day turkey and favorite foods, though! Cooking is so cathardic to me!
I am still on my Iron Pirate journey, and I have lost 6 pounds since starting last month. My daughter has had a very difficult pregnancy, and we have been to the ER and Hospital several times since I last posted here. However, baby Lilyanna has decided to stay put for now (Lol! Due date is January 10th, 2013) and our Thanksgiving Day Feast went un-interupted by any contractions or urgent issues! My daughter was placed on 100% full time bed rest last week, so my husband and I went to their house for the Thanksgiving holiday and cooked for her, her Fiance, and our granddaughter Breanna! We had a lovely time! We also had her baby shower last weekend... she got so many wonderful and cute gifts~ and we all had such a great time!

Mellissa and I, above XOXOXO
Here's the hospital.... AGAIN!!! UGGHHHH!
My journey thus far has been clean, with the exception of Thanksgiving Day. I do not usually limit foods on the holidays, I always plan to have just a little bit of everything, icluding pie! I think that last year I kept it pretty clean for Thanksgiving, but this year, I did not limit myself. I have great portion control, and I do not feel the need to over-eat or binge on foods anymore. It's so wonderful to be able to enjoy food for what it was REALLY meant to be: Fuel for our bodies, and an occassionally planned cheat treat.
We also had a nice surprise last week.... Our daughter Kelly had her baby early, so we welcomed Princess Sophia to our family... Meet baby Sophia, everyone! 5 pounds, 2 ounces! Born on Nov 14th, 2012 <3
My goal for the end of 2012 was to lose 20 pounds by the last day of December. I have 14 pounds to go. I am edging my way back into walking and light jogging just like I wanted to do, and I have not had any injuries thus far. 2 pounds per week is my optimal weight loss goal right now. I know that peri-menopause plays a big part in my wieght retention: This past month, I had a uterine fibroid rupture... that was extremely painful. I also skipped my period this month! What a wierd October and November this has been for me. I can't wait to start off 2013 on the RIGHT foot!
I hope everyone had a very blessed Thanksgiving holiday. Now, it's time to set all of my December goals, and work on January's Challenge for the new year.
Eat Clean and Train Mean, my Warriors!
~ Love, the Kaptain XOXOXO
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Days 9-12: True Test of Sanity
Tuesday, October 23rd to Friday, October 26th, 2012
What a horible week this has been. That's the only way I know how to put it. My sanity has been tested, my faith has been tested, my willpower has been tested, my positivity about life has been tested. My dreams and goals have been tested. My clean eating journey has had it's temptations tested, and my fitness journey has been tested. The strength of my family has been tested, and my personal strength has been tested.
Some of the tests that were thrown upon me this week I remained strong through; others, I did not.
The phone calls of bad news were constant. I am still amazed at how many problems and issues were thrown upon my family and I this past week, coming at us from a variety of angles. It was literally one horrible phone call after another. Different people, different situations, different needs. As soon as I would find out about one horrible thing, the phone would ring, and I'd find out something else horrible from a completely different person. And it all affected my family, in one way or another.
Monday was a rough day with my daughter and her pregnancy issues, which had us back at the hospital. By Monday night, I was feeling so much better by the time I went to bed, and I was exhausted. It's amazing how much "mental stress" takes out of us. I promised my self that Tuesday would be a great day, and I wouldn't allow anything to get me down or interupt my weightloss journey.
Tuesday came. And it started out good... but it was short lived. The first time my phone rang, I did not want to answer it. But I knew I had to. Yep... another round of bad news. Then my husband came in, and informed me of some really bad news, pertaining to his family in Hawaii, and I just sat there and stared at him with a crazy look in my eyes, and a confused look on my face. It was at this point that I knew satan was for sure SCREWING WITH ME.
The bad news didn't stop there. It went on all week, literally, up until Friday night. Had it been one or two incidents, or maybe even three, I would have been able to handle it. But mentally, I just couldn't deal with it. The good new is, that I did NOT go get my favorite binge food and binge out on it. The bad news is, that I did cave to junk food. The SAD news is that I didn't even care. I didn't even feel bad after I ate it. I ate it out of stress, and not wanting to deal with cooking in my kitchen. I didn't get my bulk cooking done Monday, due to being at the hospital with my daughter. So on Tuesday, when more bad news kept rolling in, I was not prepared. In any way, shape, or form.
I ate fast food all week. For me, I was so stressed out, that I literally stopped making good choices. I made the most convenient choices that I could... quick, easy, and the more grease, the better.... let me numb my feelings with dirty food so that it can eleviate some of my stress. Yep, that's right... I resorted to emotional eating again. It's been almost 2 years since I had done that. Yet I do not feel like a failure. I'm not even mad at myself. I did it, it's over, I know I have alot more to work on with my Overeaters Anonymous program. I haven't gone to meetings in quite a while, because I felt like I had this emotional eating disorder under control... 2 years, clean eating, no binging.... I MUST be healed!
I see and feel my mistakes this past week, and that's just what they are: MISTAKES. I went off course, and as soon as I recognized it Friday night, I put myself back on track first thing Saturday morning (I will be blogging about Saturday next) by prepping and bulk cooking and taking the necessary steps to get back on track mentally.
I had forgotten that I could give all of my family's problems and stress to God, and allow Him to deal with them and work them out for the good of it all. I am a hands-on woman who always takes everyones issues by the seat of the pants and tries to make everything better for everyone. That did not work this time. I forgot to remember that He is everything, and I am nothing... I can't fix everything. But I surely can give it all to Him to work out how He sees fit. And Saturday morning, I had a heart to heart conversation with the good Lord above, and I gave it ALL to Him.
Myth: I can handle things on my own. FACT: I need the love and support of God to get through all things inn life. Myth: I am curred of my eating disorder because I went 2 years without a binge. FACT: I will NEVER be curred. I AM A FOOD ADDICT. Myth: I can stop going to meetings for my eating disorder when I learn to stop binging again. FACT: I need to go to meeting for the rest of my life. Myth: I can take a few days off from exercise and clean eating in order to get through stressful situations, because as soon as they are over, I can get back on track. FACT: I can take NO days off of my journey. 4 days off is 4 days gone, lost, time that I can never get back. Myth: I can handle things on my own. FACT: I can handle nothing on my own free will. I need help, and the only way I can get the help I need is to have faith in, and rely on God to walk me through my journey, both positive and negative roads. I need help with my eating disorder, and I must participate in group efforts and teachings on a weekly basis.
No looking back. No guilt. No excuses. No beating my self up. No negativity.
I am back on track, and I intend to stay here. Now, bring on the weekend, and please Lord, I pray to you... PLEASE LET IT BE BLESSED AND EVENT-FREE!
What a horible week this has been. That's the only way I know how to put it. My sanity has been tested, my faith has been tested, my willpower has been tested, my positivity about life has been tested. My dreams and goals have been tested. My clean eating journey has had it's temptations tested, and my fitness journey has been tested. The strength of my family has been tested, and my personal strength has been tested.
Some of the tests that were thrown upon me this week I remained strong through; others, I did not.
The phone calls of bad news were constant. I am still amazed at how many problems and issues were thrown upon my family and I this past week, coming at us from a variety of angles. It was literally one horrible phone call after another. Different people, different situations, different needs. As soon as I would find out about one horrible thing, the phone would ring, and I'd find out something else horrible from a completely different person. And it all affected my family, in one way or another.
Monday was a rough day with my daughter and her pregnancy issues, which had us back at the hospital. By Monday night, I was feeling so much better by the time I went to bed, and I was exhausted. It's amazing how much "mental stress" takes out of us. I promised my self that Tuesday would be a great day, and I wouldn't allow anything to get me down or interupt my weightloss journey.
Tuesday came. And it started out good... but it was short lived. The first time my phone rang, I did not want to answer it. But I knew I had to. Yep... another round of bad news. Then my husband came in, and informed me of some really bad news, pertaining to his family in Hawaii, and I just sat there and stared at him with a crazy look in my eyes, and a confused look on my face. It was at this point that I knew satan was for sure SCREWING WITH ME.
The bad news didn't stop there. It went on all week, literally, up until Friday night. Had it been one or two incidents, or maybe even three, I would have been able to handle it. But mentally, I just couldn't deal with it. The good new is, that I did NOT go get my favorite binge food and binge out on it. The bad news is, that I did cave to junk food. The SAD news is that I didn't even care. I didn't even feel bad after I ate it. I ate it out of stress, and not wanting to deal with cooking in my kitchen. I didn't get my bulk cooking done Monday, due to being at the hospital with my daughter. So on Tuesday, when more bad news kept rolling in, I was not prepared. In any way, shape, or form.
I ate fast food all week. For me, I was so stressed out, that I literally stopped making good choices. I made the most convenient choices that I could... quick, easy, and the more grease, the better.... let me numb my feelings with dirty food so that it can eleviate some of my stress. Yep, that's right... I resorted to emotional eating again. It's been almost 2 years since I had done that. Yet I do not feel like a failure. I'm not even mad at myself. I did it, it's over, I know I have alot more to work on with my Overeaters Anonymous program. I haven't gone to meetings in quite a while, because I felt like I had this emotional eating disorder under control... 2 years, clean eating, no binging.... I MUST be healed!
I see and feel my mistakes this past week, and that's just what they are: MISTAKES. I went off course, and as soon as I recognized it Friday night, I put myself back on track first thing Saturday morning (I will be blogging about Saturday next) by prepping and bulk cooking and taking the necessary steps to get back on track mentally.
I had forgotten that I could give all of my family's problems and stress to God, and allow Him to deal with them and work them out for the good of it all. I am a hands-on woman who always takes everyones issues by the seat of the pants and tries to make everything better for everyone. That did not work this time. I forgot to remember that He is everything, and I am nothing... I can't fix everything. But I surely can give it all to Him to work out how He sees fit. And Saturday morning, I had a heart to heart conversation with the good Lord above, and I gave it ALL to Him.
Myth: I can handle things on my own. FACT: I need the love and support of God to get through all things inn life. Myth: I am curred of my eating disorder because I went 2 years without a binge. FACT: I will NEVER be curred. I AM A FOOD ADDICT. Myth: I can stop going to meetings for my eating disorder when I learn to stop binging again. FACT: I need to go to meeting for the rest of my life. Myth: I can take a few days off from exercise and clean eating in order to get through stressful situations, because as soon as they are over, I can get back on track. FACT: I can take NO days off of my journey. 4 days off is 4 days gone, lost, time that I can never get back. Myth: I can handle things on my own. FACT: I can handle nothing on my own free will. I need help, and the only way I can get the help I need is to have faith in, and rely on God to walk me through my journey, both positive and negative roads. I need help with my eating disorder, and I must participate in group efforts and teachings on a weekly basis.
No looking back. No guilt. No excuses. No beating my self up. No negativity.
I am back on track, and I intend to stay here. Now, bring on the weekend, and please Lord, I pray to you... PLEASE LET IT BE BLESSED AND EVENT-FREE!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
DAY 8: When it rains, it POURS! But let's splash in the puddles!
Monday, October 22nd, 2012
The day started off pretty good... I got some office work done along with an online interview. I had to order a new Fitbit, because mine stopped working. I had been procrastinating hooking the new one up for the past week, so I decided that today it needed to get done.
While in the process of doing my online interview and hooking up my new Fitbit, my daughter called me to inform me of serious issues she was having with her pregnancy today. She also hadn't felt the baby move in 2 days... which, if you've ever been pregnant, then you know is normal in your last couple of months.
It was the other issues she was having along WITH the baby not moving, that concerned me. I took her to Labor & Delivery at the hospital, to have her and baby checked out. I was so worried, I cannot even tell you how apprehensive and anxiety ridden I was when they hooked up the fetal monitor. I just didn't have a good feeling about it.
After they attached the belt, I saw nothing. My face flashed hot, and my heart sunk into my stomache. Then I saw it.... a fetal heart rate of 146.... THANK GOD. Our precious baby girl is in utero, and alive and strong! I was so relieved... I just wanted to cry. The nurses checked my daughter's amniotic fluid levels, which were great. They also let me watch the ultrsound that they check the fluid levels with... I saw 10 perfect fingers and toes, two beautiful arms, and two gorgeous, tiny legs! And, my granddaughter has a beautifuly shaped head, too! Lol!
I watched her wave her hands and arms around, and put her fingers by her mouth. Aaahhh! Such relief! My daughter and I were soooo very relieved. This has been such a rough pregnancy for her. Our little Lilyanna is a mirable baby in herself! Mellissa was finally able to feel her move, and the doctors let us go home. What a day... what a scare... what a beautiful outcome. Thank You, Lord above. For You, I am so grateful <3
The rest of the day went really great. I decided to "dance in the rain puddles" instead of letting the storm get me down. So, I did a little retail therapy with my husband! We went out to dinner and then
The day started off pretty good... I got some office work done along with an online interview. I had to order a new Fitbit, because mine stopped working. I had been procrastinating hooking the new one up for the past week, so I decided that today it needed to get done.
While in the process of doing my online interview and hooking up my new Fitbit, my daughter called me to inform me of serious issues she was having with her pregnancy today. She also hadn't felt the baby move in 2 days... which, if you've ever been pregnant, then you know is normal in your last couple of months.
It was the other issues she was having along WITH the baby not moving, that concerned me. I took her to Labor & Delivery at the hospital, to have her and baby checked out. I was so worried, I cannot even tell you how apprehensive and anxiety ridden I was when they hooked up the fetal monitor. I just didn't have a good feeling about it.
After they attached the belt, I saw nothing. My face flashed hot, and my heart sunk into my stomache. Then I saw it.... a fetal heart rate of 146.... THANK GOD. Our precious baby girl is in utero, and alive and strong! I was so relieved... I just wanted to cry. The nurses checked my daughter's amniotic fluid levels, which were great. They also let me watch the ultrsound that they check the fluid levels with... I saw 10 perfect fingers and toes, two beautiful arms, and two gorgeous, tiny legs! And, my granddaughter has a beautifuly shaped head, too! Lol!
I watched her wave her hands and arms around, and put her fingers by her mouth. Aaahhh! Such relief! My daughter and I were soooo very relieved. This has been such a rough pregnancy for her. Our little Lilyanna is a mirable baby in herself! Mellissa was finally able to feel her move, and the doctors let us go home. What a day... what a scare... what a beautiful outcome. Thank You, Lord above. For You, I am so grateful <3
The rest of the day went really great. I decided to "dance in the rain puddles" instead of letting the storm get me down. So, I did a little retail therapy with my husband! We went out to dinner and then
Shopping for new bras and pretty panties for myself... I don't usually weigh myself, I just go by how my clothes fit most of the time. So nice to be down a size in both of these, but so expensive to replace! Lol!
I had a fun time shopping, knowing that my weight is going down and my body is always changing throughout this journey. It's so "settling" to not be focused on a number on the scale. I have so much less anxiety about my weightloss journey just letting the numbers "go" and not dictating my moods from week to week. Having a "starting" wieght, along with body measurements is really important when you begin a weightloss journey. checking your weight from time to time is also important. But please, I beg you.... do not become a slave to the scale.
Every personal friend that I have in my life who has chosed to start a weightloss adventure with me, has eventually ended up QUITTING because they allowed the number on the scale to dictate their emotions. FLUCTUATING NUMBERS, whether up or down, do NOT indicate success or failure... your positive outlook on a daily basis, along with your body measurements and the way your clothes fit you, are THE BEST INDICATORS OF SUCCESS. ♥
On that note, dance and splash in the puddles of life; do not be defined by the storms <3
~Kaptain Kymberly
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Sunday, October 21st, 2012
Today is my day of rest. I don't work out on Sundays, I don't bulk cook or food prep on Sundays, I go to church and I relax. I did not make it to church today, due to my kidney infection. But I watched from home, my husband helped take care of me today, and I am feeling much better.
My plan for tomorrow is to power walk with my walking poles for 20 minutes if my back is better, and to do some Pilates. I may bulk cook tomorrow if I am feeling better. I will make a doctor appointment as well, just to get checked out with a clean bill of health.
Not to much to report today, I am glad I am feeling better... the sooner I can get up and get back on track, the better! I do get kidney infections often, but I am never down with them for long. So, I am praying for a speedy recovery tomorrow!
I hope your weekend was awesome, who ever you are... thank you for following my journey, where ever you are. Nite nite!
~Kaptain K
Today is my day of rest. I don't work out on Sundays, I don't bulk cook or food prep on Sundays, I go to church and I relax. I did not make it to church today, due to my kidney infection. But I watched from home, my husband helped take care of me today, and I am feeling much better.
My plan for tomorrow is to power walk with my walking poles for 20 minutes if my back is better, and to do some Pilates. I may bulk cook tomorrow if I am feeling better. I will make a doctor appointment as well, just to get checked out with a clean bill of health.
Not to much to report today, I am glad I am feeling better... the sooner I can get up and get back on track, the better! I do get kidney infections often, but I am never down with them for long. So, I am praying for a speedy recovery tomorrow!
I hope your weekend was awesome, who ever you are... thank you for following my journey, where ever you are. Nite nite!
~Kaptain K
Day 6: TKO: Technical Kidney Knock Out!!!
Saturday, October 20th, 2012
I'm not even a week into my year long weightloss challenge, and I'm down. This time with a kidney infection. This is nothing new. And it won't be the last time this will happen before my journey goals are met. I have a damaged kidney. Chronic infections are immenent.
I woke up feeling great. I got my exercise in, I ate my clean breakfast and snack, and I started to become noticeably fatigued around 2 pm. I think that I may have actually written on Facebook at that time that I was going to lay down and watch some Halloween movies for a bit. By around 2:30 pm, I was in alot of back pain, I had the chills, along with a high fever. I have medication on hand for my kidney infections, so I took it, and crawled into bed. The last thing I remember it was about 2:45 pm.
I woke up, thinking It was 6am and I was late for work. In reality, it was 10:30 pm at night, and I don't work outside of the house. I still had a fever, so I took some meds and went back to bed. I hate taking medicine of any kind. I may be a Nurse, but I am a terrible patient. And, I don't like putting synthetic things into my body.
At 2:30am, I was awake again. This time, I had thoughts racing through my mind that pertained to books I am working on, and future goals and dreams of owning my own business. These weren't just "random meaningless thoughts" running through my mind... these were serious ideas, and I felt like God was speakingn directly to me. Thank goodness for my new cell phone/tablet: There I was, at 3am, sitting up in bed, in the dark, creating "Entrepreneur Files" from all of my thoughts. Bob "Tough Love" Kennedy, I will make you and Tosca Reno PROUD. Sj, I will also make you proud, my trainer! You just wait and see!
The rest of today is going to be very, very long. I'm quite sure I'll be in bed very early. ;)
~Kaptain Morgan
Day 5: Treat Time!
Friday, October 19th, 2012
It's Friday... my favorite day of this week! I picked up my granddaughter from school today, and we spent the afternoon together watching Halloween movies and making homemade pizza! We picked
"Dark Shadows" to watch on Pay-Per-View, and we made our pizzas.
We made whole wheat pizza crust, with my home made marinara sauce. I used goat cheese for my pizza, and my granddaughter opted for skim motzarella. I chose spinach, basil, and sliced tomato for my toppings, while she chose turkey peperoni only. We made a huge mixed greens/veggie salad, and enjoyed a glass of lemon Seltzer Water with our treat.
After we were done with our pizza, we made clean pumpkin bars. The house smelled so heavenly while they were baking! We each had a pumpkin bar when they were done and cooled, along with a scoop of home made clean vanilla "ice cream" made in my Ninja Kitchen System. We watched our movie, along with a couple more vampire Halloween cartoons. She stayed the night, as she often does on Fridays. I love having her here with me! My children are all grown up and live on their own. Gets lonely sometimes.
Earlier in the day I did my Yoga and stretched, and walked over 3 miles with my walking poles. I ate super clean all week, for my training and for my "treat." Although the pumpkin bars and pizza were technically "clean," I still consider them to be treats, because I do not eat things of that nature very often. I stick to lean proteins and fresh fruits and veggies every day.
I have kicked my coffee habit, finally! I am now having hot tea every morning after my cup of warm water and lemon. I have been working on my book and writings, as I promised myself I would. I received a fabulous reward this week, as well as my "treats," so I am feeling pretty good today! Life is good, my journey is going good, I have nothing to complain about, and I am still walking forward, taking baby steps. One day at a time. One treat at a time. One workout at a time. One special visit with my granddaughter at a time. <3
It's Friday... my favorite day of this week! I picked up my granddaughter from school today, and we spent the afternoon together watching Halloween movies and making homemade pizza! We picked
"Dark Shadows" to watch on Pay-Per-View, and we made our pizzas.
We made whole wheat pizza crust, with my home made marinara sauce. I used goat cheese for my pizza, and my granddaughter opted for skim motzarella. I chose spinach, basil, and sliced tomato for my toppings, while she chose turkey peperoni only. We made a huge mixed greens/veggie salad, and enjoyed a glass of lemon Seltzer Water with our treat.
After we were done with our pizza, we made clean pumpkin bars. The house smelled so heavenly while they were baking! We each had a pumpkin bar when they were done and cooled, along with a scoop of home made clean vanilla "ice cream" made in my Ninja Kitchen System. We watched our movie, along with a couple more vampire Halloween cartoons. She stayed the night, as she often does on Fridays. I love having her here with me! My children are all grown up and live on their own. Gets lonely sometimes.
Earlier in the day I did my Yoga and stretched, and walked over 3 miles with my walking poles. I ate super clean all week, for my training and for my "treat." Although the pumpkin bars and pizza were technically "clean," I still consider them to be treats, because I do not eat things of that nature very often. I stick to lean proteins and fresh fruits and veggies every day.
I have kicked my coffee habit, finally! I am now having hot tea every morning after my cup of warm water and lemon. I have been working on my book and writings, as I promised myself I would. I received a fabulous reward this week, as well as my "treats," so I am feeling pretty good today! Life is good, my journey is going good, I have nothing to complain about, and I am still walking forward, taking baby steps. One day at a time. One treat at a time. One workout at a time. One special visit with my granddaughter at a time. <3
Friday, October 19, 2012
Day 4: Move it, move it, MOVE IT!
Thursday, October 18th, 2012
You've got to move it, move it, move it! Lol! Since I've been "moving it" all week, I have been tired and sore. But it's a great tired and sore. It let's me know that I have been doing something great for my self. When it has come time to go to bed in the evenings, I have been so ready to just fall asleep. That is usually a problem for me... I have a hard time falling, and staying asleep. But not any more. It's amazing what just moving your body can do for you!
Today went well. I ate what I was supposed to. I did my yoga and power walked. I cleaned my office and cleaned around the house. Not too adventurous, but it was productive, none-the-less. So that's it for today. Again, not much excitement, but I am noticing a huge improvement in my energy and mood. I am experimenting with cutting whole grains out of my diet, and this week I am only eating one serving of whole grains in the morning. So far, so good.
See you back here soon.
Like Tosca says, "Keep it Tight."
You've got to move it, move it, move it! Lol! Since I've been "moving it" all week, I have been tired and sore. But it's a great tired and sore. It let's me know that I have been doing something great for my self. When it has come time to go to bed in the evenings, I have been so ready to just fall asleep. That is usually a problem for me... I have a hard time falling, and staying asleep. But not any more. It's amazing what just moving your body can do for you!
Today went well. I ate what I was supposed to. I did my yoga and power walked. I cleaned my office and cleaned around the house. Not too adventurous, but it was productive, none-the-less. So that's it for today. Again, not much excitement, but I am noticing a huge improvement in my energy and mood. I am experimenting with cutting whole grains out of my diet, and this week I am only eating one serving of whole grains in the morning. So far, so good.
See you back here soon.
Like Tosca says, "Keep it Tight."
Thursday, October 18, 2012
DAY 3: Trials and Tribulations are what makes us STRONG
Wednensday, October 17th, 2013
My morning started off on the right foot. I woke up, had my water and lemon, my breakfast, my tea, and got to work on my writing projects. I had planned on doing Yoga today and powerwalking. It's supposed to be a beautiful day here in San Diego, with sun and temps in the high 80's. If that is the case, then I am beach-bound to do my fitness for the day there! I love the beach!
Late morning, things started to be thrown in my path... NEGATIVE things. At first, it started to really bring me down and hurt me. But I communicated with my trainer Sj, and she gave me some great feedback and advice. I decided the best thing to do about the situation at hand was to just pray about it, and give it to God. I cannot fix the things that I cannot change and have no control over. But God can. I gave Him my mess, and I know He will turn it into a victory. Thank you, God. Have I been a good daughter and told you lately how much I appreciate you? <3
As the day progressed, I felt better and better about things. I don't feel "good" about the situation, but I feel that it will all work out the way it is supposed to. And it will. I know it will. My husband and I decided to get out of the house for a while, which was no easy task for him; he's been down for a while with a back injury/herniated disc, and it is near impossible for him to walk sometimes. But we decided to leave the house, go to Auto Zone for a few things, and then went out to lunch.
Lunch was not on my "Planned Menu" but I did pretty good! We were going to go get chicken salads, but decided on chinese food. I did very good: all veggies and salad fixings, and a stir fry without rice. You can still eat out: You have to really work hard at making sure the chefs or cooks prepare your food the way you ASK them to make it. The place we went to is pretty good. No MSG (I can tell that they do not use it in there food when they say they don't, unlike some other places I've gone who have lied to me, because MSG makes me really sick. Instant migraine and upset stomache.) no butter or fats, and the stir fry my chicken and veggies for me in a teaspoon of hot sesame oil. So yummy.
The hard part is looking at all of the other fried foods, and won tons and stuff like that. But I find that if I just stick with what I know is clean, and have some hot tea while I am waiting, then I will be fine. When I am stressed out or in a bad mood, I often find that I like to "challenge" myself with my clean eating skills: I will purposely go to a restaraunt to challenge my willpower. This is a GOOD thing for me: It means that I have full control over my eating disability and I no longer eat dirty for emotional gratification. HUGE success for me. 2 years of clean eating, implementing Tosca Reno's "The Eat-Clean Diet" program and webpage tools, & following the ECD Team, staff, KT members, and Overeaters Anonymous have really brought me to a new way of life. I am so thankful and appreciative of that.
I am so blessed to have also met my trainer Sj. She just "Brings it" to the table. I love ya, girl! Thank you for all that you do for my Challenge Group and my journey. XOXOXO
Eat Clean and Train Mean XOXOXO
My morning started off on the right foot. I woke up, had my water and lemon, my breakfast, my tea, and got to work on my writing projects. I had planned on doing Yoga today and powerwalking. It's supposed to be a beautiful day here in San Diego, with sun and temps in the high 80's. If that is the case, then I am beach-bound to do my fitness for the day there! I love the beach!
Late morning, things started to be thrown in my path... NEGATIVE things. At first, it started to really bring me down and hurt me. But I communicated with my trainer Sj, and she gave me some great feedback and advice. I decided the best thing to do about the situation at hand was to just pray about it, and give it to God. I cannot fix the things that I cannot change and have no control over. But God can. I gave Him my mess, and I know He will turn it into a victory. Thank you, God. Have I been a good daughter and told you lately how much I appreciate you? <3
As the day progressed, I felt better and better about things. I don't feel "good" about the situation, but I feel that it will all work out the way it is supposed to. And it will. I know it will. My husband and I decided to get out of the house for a while, which was no easy task for him; he's been down for a while with a back injury/herniated disc, and it is near impossible for him to walk sometimes. But we decided to leave the house, go to Auto Zone for a few things, and then went out to lunch.
Lunch was not on my "Planned Menu" but I did pretty good! We were going to go get chicken salads, but decided on chinese food. I did very good: all veggies and salad fixings, and a stir fry without rice. You can still eat out: You have to really work hard at making sure the chefs or cooks prepare your food the way you ASK them to make it. The place we went to is pretty good. No MSG (I can tell that they do not use it in there food when they say they don't, unlike some other places I've gone who have lied to me, because MSG makes me really sick. Instant migraine and upset stomache.) no butter or fats, and the stir fry my chicken and veggies for me in a teaspoon of hot sesame oil. So yummy.
The hard part is looking at all of the other fried foods, and won tons and stuff like that. But I find that if I just stick with what I know is clean, and have some hot tea while I am waiting, then I will be fine. When I am stressed out or in a bad mood, I often find that I like to "challenge" myself with my clean eating skills: I will purposely go to a restaraunt to challenge my willpower. This is a GOOD thing for me: It means that I have full control over my eating disability and I no longer eat dirty for emotional gratification. HUGE success for me. 2 years of clean eating, implementing Tosca Reno's "The Eat-Clean Diet" program and webpage tools, & following the ECD Team, staff, KT members, and Overeaters Anonymous have really brought me to a new way of life. I am so thankful and appreciative of that.
I am so blessed to have also met my trainer Sj. She just "Brings it" to the table. I love ya, girl! Thank you for all that you do for my Challenge Group and my journey. XOXOXO
Eat Clean and Train Mean XOXOXO
Day 2: Tuesday, Oct 16th, 2012: NEW PHONE DAY!
Yayyy! It's day 2... and I get a nice little surprise today... I have a brand new LG INTUITION Cell phone/Tablet coming via UPS, just for ME! Thank you husband, I love it!
Woke up today being very sore... this makes me laugh, because it is a gentle reminder of how out of shape I am. At one point in my life, I used to pound weights out at the gym every day except Sundays. But today, I can barely get through one episode of Yoga. Sad, but fixable, none-the-less. Baby step, Kymberly.... BABY STEPS.
So I am anticipating the arrival of my new phone, and running to the front door every time I hear something. Sometimes I feel like a little kid! I guess that's a good thing at my age! While I am waiting, I am going to get some clean bulk cooking and food prep done. Lot's of great things on the menu today: Turkey Loaf mixed with a variety of shredded veggies, a pot of Whole Oats and Quinoa, a large pan of roasted yams, onions, mushrooms, sweet potatoes, greenbeans, and brussels sprouts. Also making hb eggs and salad fixings for a couple of days. I love food prep. It makes me happy. Oh, also have a container of Greek yogurt cheese in the works... not sure what little concoction I am going to create with that yet....
7:50pm: Geeze, my phone just arrived. I had planned on taking the whole day today and playing with it to figure it all out. I guess God did not have that in my plans, as I am exhausted from food prepping, organizing, and cleaning all day. I'll plug my new phone in, charge it, and play with it tomorrow. I have to say... I am exhausted tonight. I had a great day. I felt like I had more energy then I normally do, and I know that I owe it to the Yoga session. I have a feeling I'm going to be sore tomorrow, you now, in that good, muscular sore kind of a way that says, "Hey, you got off of your ass and did something great today."
Thank you God, for giving me the energy today. Thank you Sj, for giving me the support that I need. Thank you, husband for being in my corner today, and for my new phone.
Nite nite, my friends. XOXOXO
~Kaptain K
Woke up today being very sore... this makes me laugh, because it is a gentle reminder of how out of shape I am. At one point in my life, I used to pound weights out at the gym every day except Sundays. But today, I can barely get through one episode of Yoga. Sad, but fixable, none-the-less. Baby step, Kymberly.... BABY STEPS.
So I am anticipating the arrival of my new phone, and running to the front door every time I hear something. Sometimes I feel like a little kid! I guess that's a good thing at my age! While I am waiting, I am going to get some clean bulk cooking and food prep done. Lot's of great things on the menu today: Turkey Loaf mixed with a variety of shredded veggies, a pot of Whole Oats and Quinoa, a large pan of roasted yams, onions, mushrooms, sweet potatoes, greenbeans, and brussels sprouts. Also making hb eggs and salad fixings for a couple of days. I love food prep. It makes me happy. Oh, also have a container of Greek yogurt cheese in the works... not sure what little concoction I am going to create with that yet....
7:50pm: Geeze, my phone just arrived. I had planned on taking the whole day today and playing with it to figure it all out. I guess God did not have that in my plans, as I am exhausted from food prepping, organizing, and cleaning all day. I'll plug my new phone in, charge it, and play with it tomorrow. I have to say... I am exhausted tonight. I had a great day. I felt like I had more energy then I normally do, and I know that I owe it to the Yoga session. I have a feeling I'm going to be sore tomorrow, you now, in that good, muscular sore kind of a way that says, "Hey, you got off of your ass and did something great today."
Thank you God, for giving me the energy today. Thank you Sj, for giving me the support that I need. Thank you, husband for being in my corner today, and for my new phone.
Nite nite, my friends. XOXOXO
~Kaptain K
Monday, October 15th, 2012
Day one, and feeling great! I awoke today with a burning passion and desire to get this journey started. First, I gave my liver a little nuzzle with a warm cup of distilled water and a squeeze of lemon. I figure if Tosca Reno does it every day, then so should I! Next, I had some hot green tea with apple and cinnamon in it. I spent most of last week detoxing from coffee, so this tea "thing" is a little new for me in the morning. It's not my coffee, but hey, it ain't too bad!
I had my breakfast of whole cooked oats mixed with a little quinoa, blueberries, and ground flax seed along with some hb eggs on the side. I topped my oats with a few sprinkles of crushed walnuts. My goal is to comsume 3 liters of water today, and so far, I have had about 24 ounces. I have my entire menu logged out for the week. There are not treats on it, and no liquids other then water or caffeine free tea.
I completed a 30 minute Yoga session from a Jillian Michaels DVD. I will not begin my weight training until toward the end of this year. After evaluating and discussing my previous knee injuries with my new trainer
Sj Nieusma, we have decided that I will enter into this weightloss journey on a "slow and steady" note, rather then a fast, jump right in type of begining. I am very prone to injury and illness due to a somewhat compromised immune system. I did not gain this weight over night, and I am in no rush to get it off.
This is my 3rd serious attempt at weightloss, and I am going to do it right this time. A clean diet, a clean lifestyle, clean habbits, and a slow and steady start. Yoga and Pilates will be my weekly "workouts" for a while, as well as power walking daily. I can do this. I have every confidence that by implementing patience and proper practice, I will be able to move on to the next level in just a couple of short months.
Just in case you have not read my bio yet, my weightloss journey will be centered around, and encompassed by Tosca Reno's "The Eat-Clean Diet" program, as well as weight training in the future. My goal is to lose 80 pounds, then re-assess my needs at that time. As it stands, I am 100 pounds over weight. But I know that when I work out with weights, I have very large muscles in my body that keep me at a higher weight then what my BMI Index would say. I hate the BMI charts. They cannot be accurate for everyone, because we all have different body shapes, designs, and needs. I used to weight train over 15 years ago... at that time, I stood 5 foot 3 inches tall, weighed in at close to 140 pounds, and wore any where from a size 4 to a 7. At 140 pounds, the BMI charts marked me off as obese.... honey, I was far from obese.
Obese is me, NOW. And it's good that I can admit that. It's factual, the truth, and it is what I hold myself accountable to. No matter what the reason, I did this to myself. And I will get myself fit and healthy again. I have now doubts about it. I have a brand new trainer who loves me, helps me, supports me, and is the best friend and source of encouragement that a girl can have! Thank you Sj, for all of your support, my Lil' RockTella!
Have a terrific week, everyone! Eat Clean and Train Mean! XOXOXO
~The Kaptain
Day one, and feeling great! I awoke today with a burning passion and desire to get this journey started. First, I gave my liver a little nuzzle with a warm cup of distilled water and a squeeze of lemon. I figure if Tosca Reno does it every day, then so should I! Next, I had some hot green tea with apple and cinnamon in it. I spent most of last week detoxing from coffee, so this tea "thing" is a little new for me in the morning. It's not my coffee, but hey, it ain't too bad!
I had my breakfast of whole cooked oats mixed with a little quinoa, blueberries, and ground flax seed along with some hb eggs on the side. I topped my oats with a few sprinkles of crushed walnuts. My goal is to comsume 3 liters of water today, and so far, I have had about 24 ounces. I have my entire menu logged out for the week. There are not treats on it, and no liquids other then water or caffeine free tea.
I completed a 30 minute Yoga session from a Jillian Michaels DVD. I will not begin my weight training until toward the end of this year. After evaluating and discussing my previous knee injuries with my new trainer
Sj Nieusma, we have decided that I will enter into this weightloss journey on a "slow and steady" note, rather then a fast, jump right in type of begining. I am very prone to injury and illness due to a somewhat compromised immune system. I did not gain this weight over night, and I am in no rush to get it off.
This is my 3rd serious attempt at weightloss, and I am going to do it right this time. A clean diet, a clean lifestyle, clean habbits, and a slow and steady start. Yoga and Pilates will be my weekly "workouts" for a while, as well as power walking daily. I can do this. I have every confidence that by implementing patience and proper practice, I will be able to move on to the next level in just a couple of short months.
Just in case you have not read my bio yet, my weightloss journey will be centered around, and encompassed by Tosca Reno's "The Eat-Clean Diet" program, as well as weight training in the future. My goal is to lose 80 pounds, then re-assess my needs at that time. As it stands, I am 100 pounds over weight. But I know that when I work out with weights, I have very large muscles in my body that keep me at a higher weight then what my BMI Index would say. I hate the BMI charts. They cannot be accurate for everyone, because we all have different body shapes, designs, and needs. I used to weight train over 15 years ago... at that time, I stood 5 foot 3 inches tall, weighed in at close to 140 pounds, and wore any where from a size 4 to a 7. At 140 pounds, the BMI charts marked me off as obese.... honey, I was far from obese.
Obese is me, NOW. And it's good that I can admit that. It's factual, the truth, and it is what I hold myself accountable to. No matter what the reason, I did this to myself. And I will get myself fit and healthy again. I have now doubts about it. I have a brand new trainer who loves me, helps me, supports me, and is the best friend and source of encouragement that a girl can have! Thank you Sj, for all of your support, my Lil' RockTella!
Have a terrific week, everyone! Eat Clean and Train Mean! XOXOXO
~The Kaptain
Monday, October 15, 2012
I will be fit & hard-core by age 44!
Monday, October 15th, 2013:
"Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." Matthew 5:4
Ten and a half years. That's how long I've been mourning. Mourning the loss of my beautiful daughter, Breanna Ray, and all that was taken from me on that first day of spring in March of 2002.
They say that "time heals all wounds." I know this to be untrue. Nothing heals the loss of a child, nor does anything prepare you for it.
March 20, 2002 was the end of life as I knew it. Nothing would ever be the same. I would never be the same. My children would never be the same. Our family unit was broken, and would continue to crack, crumble, and fall apart over the next few years. I never blamed God for bringing her back home to be safe and handicapped-free. I never blamed Him for reaching out to her with his unconditional love, embracing her in her time of pain and suffering. I never blamed Him for taking her. I just did not understand why.
Shortly after my daughter's funeral, I fell into a deap depression. I was a mess from the moment she died, but I had to be strong, and plan her funeral. I had to make sure that everything was perfect, to honor her life, and all of the people who played a part in her life until she left us. Breanna had a severe disability called Cerebral Palsey. It is what ulimately took her precious little life. I needed to make her funeral a day of love, memories, laughs, and gratefullness~ I wanted to show her how grateful that I was that she picked me to give her life, and to be her mommy.
The service was beautiful, but nothing prepared me for the days to follow. This was a time of disbelief, terrible grief, sadness, and pain. I now know what a broken heart feels like. It is different then when a relationship falls apart, and you are sad to not be with that person any more. This is a pain like none I have ever felt, and would not wish on anyone. This is a pain that I will never forget. It's a pain that I don't think I could live through again. This pain, this heartbreak that I was feeling, was too powerful for me to overcome. No one could help me, and I really don't remember too many people trying to, or even caring enough to help. After Breanna's funeral, people stopped calling, and went their sepparate ways. They had busy lives to get back to, but mine just seemed to sit still.
Stagnant. Day in, and day out. I could not get out of bed. I could not take a shower. I could not function. I could not physically take care of my other two children, who really needed me the most at that time in their lives. I felt like I had died. Spiritually, I did die. Emotionaly, I was gone. Physically, I was just a blob, laying in bed. I was in pain, and I was a mess. From that moment on, I would never be the same. Nothing in my life would ever be the same.
Over the course of the past 10 years, I turned to food and over-eating to soothe my anxiety and numb my pain & my feelings. I could not muster up enough energy to cook, so I would constantly buy fast food... for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I was an Armed Security Officer, working with off-duty Police and their Gang Unit when my daughter passed away. Due to my depression and lack of good judgement from being depressed all the time, I had to give up my job. I just could not motivate myself to work, or to remain focused. I had already been rejected at the Police Academy due to an injury before my daughter passed away, so I just became even more depressed and decided that I no longer had the passion to become a Police Officer.
I found a retail position as an Inventory Manager, that had great hours, so I could be home with my children at night. The pay wasn't great, but we survivied. Slowly I began to laugh again, but it would always end up being false hope... I just could not remain happy due to my constant thoughts of my daughter, and how I could have done things differently with her. I felt guilty for her dying. I felt guilty about not knowing if she suffered all night before she passed. I felt like a horrible mom. I missed her so much. I just wanted her back. I always thought to myself, I'd give ANYTHING to have her back. ANYTHING.
Through the next few years, I would find myself on a complete downward spiral. I gained 100+ pounds from eating fast food and the complete sessation of exercise. I used to lift weights. I used to be a size 4 at 135 pounds. I only stand 5 foot 3. It was all muscle though. It wasn't until I started to see pictures of myself that other family members had taken during holidays and get-to-gethers that I realized what I looked like. To me, I still looked like I did before Breanna passed away. To everyone else, they saw an unfit, unhealthy, unhappy obese woman who was slowly killing herself and aging quickly.
I remember looking through some pictures at my brother's house, and asking my mom, "Who is that fat chick with the red shirt on, holding Breanna? I don't remember seeing her there?" This was taken at my brothers 4th of July party several years ago. My mom looked at me and relied, "Kym, that's YOU."
Shock. Disbelief. Horror. Embarassment. Disappointment. Disgust. This was all I could feel at that moment. There was no excuse how large and unhealthy I had become. I was slowly dying, from the inside out. And the outside was starting to show deterioration at a very rapid rate. I remember looking in the mirror and thinking, "I should not have all of these wrinkles and a double chin at my age!!!" I was 40 years old then. Today, I am 43. I WILL BE FIT AND HARDCORE BY AGE 44.
Shortly after that epiphany, I went into my local Borders Books store to look at workout and diet books. I hate that word "diet" now, but back then, it's what I thought I needed. I had always dieted... I've tried every diet out there, just like alot of people have...without any long term success. I came across The Biggest Loser fitness books, and of course the notorious Jillian Michaels books. I also came across a cook book that fascinated me by it's title: "The Eat Clean Diet Cookbook" by a beautiful lady named Tosca Reno. I had never heard of her before, so surely, this had to be another "fad diet"or gimick. I put the book back down, and stuck to the names that I knew.
I kept wondering around the bookstore- don't you just love a good bookstore? Anyways, I kept wondering around and I'd always come back to the same place... the shelf where I put Tosca's cookbook back on. Something about that book just called to me. "Eat Clean." It sounded so simple. It sounded so fresh and earthy. I could eat clean? After all, God created our bodies to be fueled by clean foods grown in nature, right?
I literally had 10 minutes left before I had to head home. I grabbed Tosca's book, and purchased it. I figured I could read it over and look through it at home, and if it wasn't something I was interested in, I could just return it in the morning and get the other books that I was more familiar with. I read Tosca's cook book, and before the night was over, I had decided to go back to the bookstore the following morning~ but not to return the book, but to purchase "The Eat-Clean Diet" book! I finally found like I found a lifestyle that I could live, without feeling deprived, and without eating some funky type of food combo that I would just end up getting burnt out on.
I ended up being directed to Tosca's newest ECD book called "Re-charged," and was thrilled that I could purchase it. I think the ECD book was revised in 2009, and I got it just in time to start my ECD journey. Every time I would finish one of Tosca's books, I would purchase another one. I taught my self, with Tosca's guidance and that of her ECD Team, all I needed to know to get me started with eating clean. I joined her Kitchen Table community over at The Eat-Clean website and started to make several new online buddies that have gone through similar situations and struggles as myself. The ECD/KT is the biggest supportgroup that I have ever found. Today, we all call ourselves "Eat-Clean Diet Warriors" because that's what we are. We warrior on for our health, and to help others through their struggles.
My first year of eating clean was amazing. I learned that I had an eating disorder, and that I am an overeater. I found Overeater's Anonymous and worked through the steps of healing from my disorder. I chose Tosca's ECD as my choice for food and diet, and I followed both programs ritually. My first year of eating clean was all about assessment of emotions and the connection to food. My food binge drug of choice was vanilla cake donuts with the pretty pastel sprinkles on top. I later discovered, while writing an inventory of my life, that my great-grandmother, who I loved very dearly, would take me a couple of blocks down the street from her house and buy me a vanilla cake donut with prety pastel sprinkles on top every time I visited her as a child. I loved my great-grandma, and I loved spending time with her. I was so sad when she died. Devastated. Hence, the pretty sprinkled donuts come into play.
My second year of clean eating, which is this year, I focused more around fitness and competing in the 4th Annual Eat-Clean Diet Makeover Challenge. And boy, what a year it was! I was derailed with a respiratory infection, pneumonia, and a severely damaged right knee... TWICE earlier this year! But I kept on going. I found ways to still take care of my body, even though I could no longer workout. I decided to focus on recipe creations and re-makes. When I had to be in bed for days at a time with my knee injury, I brought all of my Oxygen and Clean Eating magazines in there with me, along with Tosca's books. I'd read Chef Jo Lusted's recipes and write them down. I read, re-read, hilighted, tabbed, and researched over and over again. I learned recipe formulations for clean baking and sugar substitutions. I did alot of internet research and writing. I found other ways to stay in the competition without just giving up. You have 3 choices when you are down: You can give in, give up, or give it your all. Right???
I decided that, while realizing I was not going to win the 4th Annual Makeover Challenge, that I would start entering baking and cooking challenges. The ironic thing is, the first week I started looking into contests to enter, The Eat-Clean Diet came out with their "Creation Station" Recipe Remake Challenge. To enter, you had to pick an ECD recipe and re-make it yourself. I re-made Tosca's Zuchini Muffins, and I WON THE CONTEST!!!! I was so thrilled! I won 2 signed copies of Tosca's books, "The Eat Clean Diet Cookbook 2" and her newest book, her Vegetarian Cookbook. I received them with a personal message from Tosca handwritten inside.
Tosca knows that she is my idol and my mentor. She knows who Kaptain Morgan is. The Eat-Clean Diet Team knows how much I love all of them and how great they are. They all know. Can you imagine how completly stoked I was to receive signed books by TOSCA??? I wouldn't trade this win for the world. No, I did not win the 4th Annual Makeover Challenge, but I won something greater: I won the title of an ECD WARRIOR. I refuse to give up, and no one can stop me.
I have new goals for the last 2 months of 2012, and an organized brand new set of goals for 2013. My knee is better. My spirit is great. I am a clean eater 99% of the time. I am accomplishing my dreams and my goals. I have a personal trainer now who is the best in the world... okay, I know Rita is pretty much the queen of trainers right now... AND A BIG SHOUT OUT & CONGRATS TO OUR CHAMP, TOSCA RENO!!! But, the world will get to know Sj Nieusma. They will see what she is capable of, through training me. And you will all see what I am capable of, every day that I continue on with this journey.
My main goal is to lose 80 to 100 pounds by my birthday of 2013, which is August 6th. I cannot put a deffinate number on it, because I don't know how I will look when I reach my 80 pound begining goal: 100 pounds might be to much for my body to handle losing... we'll see how it looks through clean eating and weight training closer to my birthday. Today is the day it begins. I've had a 2 year journey with the Eat Clean Diet to date... and it's time now to focus on FITNESS. I'm ready for this. I can feel it like I never have before. It's time.
BABY STEPS: I didn't magically become 100 pounds obese overnight. No excuses. One day at a time, one meal at a time, one workout at a time, one positive though at a time.
PATIENCE: It will take many, many months of blood, sweat, tears, dedication, hardwork, focus, and perseverence to shed this weight. I take full accountability for my current weight. It's not going to vanish overnight. There are no "magic pills," although I hear that "Magic Mike" was pretty good....
ASSESSMENT: My assessment has been completed. My pictures, my stats, my eating disorder, migraines, previous injuries, depression, anxiety, cravings, PMS, and chronic illnesses. They will no longer be excused reasons as to why I did not succeed. I have a game plan for each and every one of these setbacks that may creep into my training. I am prepared this time. I will work around anything that throws intself in my way.
GOALS: Long term, short term, weekly~ Goals have been created, dreams have been envisioned and written out. Success is to follow.
GAME PLAN: Game plan has been created, and I have a personal trainer. I know what I have to do daily, nightly, weekly, monthly, and for the rest of my life. It's on.
TIME TO EXECUTE: Today's the day. I am re-born. I am a Sister in Iron, I am the Iron Pirate. Together, with Sj Niesma, I will work diligently, without fail, to implement my game plan and stay dedicated to every detail of my plan and goals. It's time for ME to take my life back, and to be the person that God really meant for me to be.
I am so happy to have all of my family and friends traveling this journey with me. I promise, most of my daily blog posts will not be anything near this long. Happy Monday everyone! Thank you for all of your encouragement and support. Please, do not turn into a "weed" in my life while I am traveling through my journey... I will have to exterminate you if you do, and I don't want to have to exterminate anyone! Don't be a weed! Be a supporter and encourager!!!
~Kaptain Kymberly Morgan XOXOXO
"Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." Matthew 5:4
Ten and a half years. That's how long I've been mourning. Mourning the loss of my beautiful daughter, Breanna Ray, and all that was taken from me on that first day of spring in March of 2002.
They say that "time heals all wounds." I know this to be untrue. Nothing heals the loss of a child, nor does anything prepare you for it.
March 20, 2002 was the end of life as I knew it. Nothing would ever be the same. I would never be the same. My children would never be the same. Our family unit was broken, and would continue to crack, crumble, and fall apart over the next few years. I never blamed God for bringing her back home to be safe and handicapped-free. I never blamed Him for reaching out to her with his unconditional love, embracing her in her time of pain and suffering. I never blamed Him for taking her. I just did not understand why.
Shortly after my daughter's funeral, I fell into a deap depression. I was a mess from the moment she died, but I had to be strong, and plan her funeral. I had to make sure that everything was perfect, to honor her life, and all of the people who played a part in her life until she left us. Breanna had a severe disability called Cerebral Palsey. It is what ulimately took her precious little life. I needed to make her funeral a day of love, memories, laughs, and gratefullness~ I wanted to show her how grateful that I was that she picked me to give her life, and to be her mommy.
The service was beautiful, but nothing prepared me for the days to follow. This was a time of disbelief, terrible grief, sadness, and pain. I now know what a broken heart feels like. It is different then when a relationship falls apart, and you are sad to not be with that person any more. This is a pain like none I have ever felt, and would not wish on anyone. This is a pain that I will never forget. It's a pain that I don't think I could live through again. This pain, this heartbreak that I was feeling, was too powerful for me to overcome. No one could help me, and I really don't remember too many people trying to, or even caring enough to help. After Breanna's funeral, people stopped calling, and went their sepparate ways. They had busy lives to get back to, but mine just seemed to sit still.
Stagnant. Day in, and day out. I could not get out of bed. I could not take a shower. I could not function. I could not physically take care of my other two children, who really needed me the most at that time in their lives. I felt like I had died. Spiritually, I did die. Emotionaly, I was gone. Physically, I was just a blob, laying in bed. I was in pain, and I was a mess. From that moment on, I would never be the same. Nothing in my life would ever be the same.
Over the course of the past 10 years, I turned to food and over-eating to soothe my anxiety and numb my pain & my feelings. I could not muster up enough energy to cook, so I would constantly buy fast food... for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I was an Armed Security Officer, working with off-duty Police and their Gang Unit when my daughter passed away. Due to my depression and lack of good judgement from being depressed all the time, I had to give up my job. I just could not motivate myself to work, or to remain focused. I had already been rejected at the Police Academy due to an injury before my daughter passed away, so I just became even more depressed and decided that I no longer had the passion to become a Police Officer.
I found a retail position as an Inventory Manager, that had great hours, so I could be home with my children at night. The pay wasn't great, but we survivied. Slowly I began to laugh again, but it would always end up being false hope... I just could not remain happy due to my constant thoughts of my daughter, and how I could have done things differently with her. I felt guilty for her dying. I felt guilty about not knowing if she suffered all night before she passed. I felt like a horrible mom. I missed her so much. I just wanted her back. I always thought to myself, I'd give ANYTHING to have her back. ANYTHING.
Through the next few years, I would find myself on a complete downward spiral. I gained 100+ pounds from eating fast food and the complete sessation of exercise. I used to lift weights. I used to be a size 4 at 135 pounds. I only stand 5 foot 3. It was all muscle though. It wasn't until I started to see pictures of myself that other family members had taken during holidays and get-to-gethers that I realized what I looked like. To me, I still looked like I did before Breanna passed away. To everyone else, they saw an unfit, unhealthy, unhappy obese woman who was slowly killing herself and aging quickly.
I remember looking through some pictures at my brother's house, and asking my mom, "Who is that fat chick with the red shirt on, holding Breanna? I don't remember seeing her there?" This was taken at my brothers 4th of July party several years ago. My mom looked at me and relied, "Kym, that's YOU."
Shock. Disbelief. Horror. Embarassment. Disappointment. Disgust. This was all I could feel at that moment. There was no excuse how large and unhealthy I had become. I was slowly dying, from the inside out. And the outside was starting to show deterioration at a very rapid rate. I remember looking in the mirror and thinking, "I should not have all of these wrinkles and a double chin at my age!!!" I was 40 years old then. Today, I am 43. I WILL BE FIT AND HARDCORE BY AGE 44.
Shortly after that epiphany, I went into my local Borders Books store to look at workout and diet books. I hate that word "diet" now, but back then, it's what I thought I needed. I had always dieted... I've tried every diet out there, just like alot of people have...without any long term success. I came across The Biggest Loser fitness books, and of course the notorious Jillian Michaels books. I also came across a cook book that fascinated me by it's title: "The Eat Clean Diet Cookbook" by a beautiful lady named Tosca Reno. I had never heard of her before, so surely, this had to be another "fad diet"or gimick. I put the book back down, and stuck to the names that I knew.
I kept wondering around the bookstore- don't you just love a good bookstore? Anyways, I kept wondering around and I'd always come back to the same place... the shelf where I put Tosca's cookbook back on. Something about that book just called to me. "Eat Clean." It sounded so simple. It sounded so fresh and earthy. I could eat clean? After all, God created our bodies to be fueled by clean foods grown in nature, right?
I literally had 10 minutes left before I had to head home. I grabbed Tosca's book, and purchased it. I figured I could read it over and look through it at home, and if it wasn't something I was interested in, I could just return it in the morning and get the other books that I was more familiar with. I read Tosca's cook book, and before the night was over, I had decided to go back to the bookstore the following morning~ but not to return the book, but to purchase "The Eat-Clean Diet" book! I finally found like I found a lifestyle that I could live, without feeling deprived, and without eating some funky type of food combo that I would just end up getting burnt out on.
I ended up being directed to Tosca's newest ECD book called "Re-charged," and was thrilled that I could purchase it. I think the ECD book was revised in 2009, and I got it just in time to start my ECD journey. Every time I would finish one of Tosca's books, I would purchase another one. I taught my self, with Tosca's guidance and that of her ECD Team, all I needed to know to get me started with eating clean. I joined her Kitchen Table community over at The Eat-Clean website and started to make several new online buddies that have gone through similar situations and struggles as myself. The ECD/KT is the biggest supportgroup that I have ever found. Today, we all call ourselves "Eat-Clean Diet Warriors" because that's what we are. We warrior on for our health, and to help others through their struggles.
My first year of eating clean was amazing. I learned that I had an eating disorder, and that I am an overeater. I found Overeater's Anonymous and worked through the steps of healing from my disorder. I chose Tosca's ECD as my choice for food and diet, and I followed both programs ritually. My first year of eating clean was all about assessment of emotions and the connection to food. My food binge drug of choice was vanilla cake donuts with the pretty pastel sprinkles on top. I later discovered, while writing an inventory of my life, that my great-grandmother, who I loved very dearly, would take me a couple of blocks down the street from her house and buy me a vanilla cake donut with prety pastel sprinkles on top every time I visited her as a child. I loved my great-grandma, and I loved spending time with her. I was so sad when she died. Devastated. Hence, the pretty sprinkled donuts come into play.
My second year of clean eating, which is this year, I focused more around fitness and competing in the 4th Annual Eat-Clean Diet Makeover Challenge. And boy, what a year it was! I was derailed with a respiratory infection, pneumonia, and a severely damaged right knee... TWICE earlier this year! But I kept on going. I found ways to still take care of my body, even though I could no longer workout. I decided to focus on recipe creations and re-makes. When I had to be in bed for days at a time with my knee injury, I brought all of my Oxygen and Clean Eating magazines in there with me, along with Tosca's books. I'd read Chef Jo Lusted's recipes and write them down. I read, re-read, hilighted, tabbed, and researched over and over again. I learned recipe formulations for clean baking and sugar substitutions. I did alot of internet research and writing. I found other ways to stay in the competition without just giving up. You have 3 choices when you are down: You can give in, give up, or give it your all. Right???
I decided that, while realizing I was not going to win the 4th Annual Makeover Challenge, that I would start entering baking and cooking challenges. The ironic thing is, the first week I started looking into contests to enter, The Eat-Clean Diet came out with their "Creation Station" Recipe Remake Challenge. To enter, you had to pick an ECD recipe and re-make it yourself. I re-made Tosca's Zuchini Muffins, and I WON THE CONTEST!!!! I was so thrilled! I won 2 signed copies of Tosca's books, "The Eat Clean Diet Cookbook 2" and her newest book, her Vegetarian Cookbook. I received them with a personal message from Tosca handwritten inside.
Tosca knows that she is my idol and my mentor. She knows who Kaptain Morgan is. The Eat-Clean Diet Team knows how much I love all of them and how great they are. They all know. Can you imagine how completly stoked I was to receive signed books by TOSCA??? I wouldn't trade this win for the world. No, I did not win the 4th Annual Makeover Challenge, but I won something greater: I won the title of an ECD WARRIOR. I refuse to give up, and no one can stop me.
I have new goals for the last 2 months of 2012, and an organized brand new set of goals for 2013. My knee is better. My spirit is great. I am a clean eater 99% of the time. I am accomplishing my dreams and my goals. I have a personal trainer now who is the best in the world... okay, I know Rita is pretty much the queen of trainers right now... AND A BIG SHOUT OUT & CONGRATS TO OUR CHAMP, TOSCA RENO!!! But, the world will get to know Sj Nieusma. They will see what she is capable of, through training me. And you will all see what I am capable of, every day that I continue on with this journey.
My main goal is to lose 80 to 100 pounds by my birthday of 2013, which is August 6th. I cannot put a deffinate number on it, because I don't know how I will look when I reach my 80 pound begining goal: 100 pounds might be to much for my body to handle losing... we'll see how it looks through clean eating and weight training closer to my birthday. Today is the day it begins. I've had a 2 year journey with the Eat Clean Diet to date... and it's time now to focus on FITNESS. I'm ready for this. I can feel it like I never have before. It's time.
BABY STEPS: I didn't magically become 100 pounds obese overnight. No excuses. One day at a time, one meal at a time, one workout at a time, one positive though at a time.
PATIENCE: It will take many, many months of blood, sweat, tears, dedication, hardwork, focus, and perseverence to shed this weight. I take full accountability for my current weight. It's not going to vanish overnight. There are no "magic pills," although I hear that "Magic Mike" was pretty good....
ASSESSMENT: My assessment has been completed. My pictures, my stats, my eating disorder, migraines, previous injuries, depression, anxiety, cravings, PMS, and chronic illnesses. They will no longer be excused reasons as to why I did not succeed. I have a game plan for each and every one of these setbacks that may creep into my training. I am prepared this time. I will work around anything that throws intself in my way.
GOALS: Long term, short term, weekly~ Goals have been created, dreams have been envisioned and written out. Success is to follow.
GAME PLAN: Game plan has been created, and I have a personal trainer. I know what I have to do daily, nightly, weekly, monthly, and for the rest of my life. It's on.
TIME TO EXECUTE: Today's the day. I am re-born. I am a Sister in Iron, I am the Iron Pirate. Together, with Sj Niesma, I will work diligently, without fail, to implement my game plan and stay dedicated to every detail of my plan and goals. It's time for ME to take my life back, and to be the person that God really meant for me to be.
I am so happy to have all of my family and friends traveling this journey with me. I promise, most of my daily blog posts will not be anything near this long. Happy Monday everyone! Thank you for all of your encouragement and support. Please, do not turn into a "weed" in my life while I am traveling through my journey... I will have to exterminate you if you do, and I don't want to have to exterminate anyone! Don't be a weed! Be a supporter and encourager!!!
~Kaptain Kymberly Morgan XOXOXO
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